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if you don't buy pepsi becoz of this...

simon es what it is they wernt bad i still likes spm where he sings da one cuz i'm spm thas why they call him south park mexican.....and so on so on......:D
thas coo you know mine dyablo, shadow, Mista Lil-one, C-4, KnightOwl, Lil-Rob ((his old stuff not his new stuff i keep it gangsta LOL :rolleyes: :cool:)) mr.Capone-e, Mr.Capone, and JB.........:D :p but i dont know so much bout dem like you seem to know bout da rappers you know.....i'm just a fan from a far.....:D :p
thas coo you know mine dyablo, shadow, Mista Lil-one, C-4, KnightOwl, Lil-Rob ((his old stuff not his new stuff i keep it gangsta LOL :rolleyes: :cool:)) mr.Capone-e, Mr.Capone, and JB.........:D :p but i dont know so much bout dem like you seem to know bout da rappers you know.....i'm just a fan from a far.....:D :p

lol...orale...simoN i do rap....shit music in general is my life me entiendes...Eminem man his shit is inspiring...I can relate 2 alot of his shit...same w/ SPM...he used 2 get jumped when he was smaller, cause of his dislike of gangs....and Z-RO and Trae..man them niggas will take u 2 a whole nother' level...they realest...shit...u should listen 2 some of theyre stuff...its like whoa...lol....Whne I say thug I dont mean I'm supposed 2 b locked behind bars, case my acronym 4 thug is true hero under give u some links l8r on when i get 2 my nxt period...pero neta...theyre shit is the shit...LOL>...give me ur addy and ill send u some CDs...:p....then also Immortal Technique...dam he on some real shit 2...
yeah to tell da truth i dont listen to too much of der song like i said before i only like his songs spm...and "let da marry go round" and another one but i forgot da song name......and my addy lol.............you think i would really give my address out on da net.................o_O your jkin rite........lol..........:p :p :p :p :p i'm dumb pero not that dumb..........LOL.......:D :p
yeah to tell da truth i dont listen to too much of der song like i said before i only like his songs spm...and "let da marry go round" and another one but i forgot da song name......and my addy lol.............you think i would really give my address out on da net.................o_O your jkin rite........lol..........:p :p :p :p :p i'm dumb pero not that dumb..........LOL.......:D :p

orale orale simon...no im NOT joking...:p :D...Lol....naw i really wasnt pero si no me la quieres dar its cool....i understand....all u have 2 do is PM it but nooo...sniff sniff.....waaahhhhhh......LMAO


True Her Under GOd

I hate you

Pain...this 1 here is 1 of my favs..

I found me

Let me live my life....another 1 of my favs...



LOok what you did 2 me
lol...orale simon...its just cause i cried right**hah i knew it would work**...:p :p :p LMAo jk...ORALE SIMON NETA LISTEN 2 EM....theyr ethe shit...lol...
yeah es cuz you cried i dunno what to do when ppl cry so i just gots to do what they ask yaeh no not really lol i usaully start laughin when someone crys no matter for what even when i'm cryin bout somethin i luagh lol......i'm just wierd dat way.......:p :p :p :D and simon i will........i just had some stuff to do at mi casa someone was nokin and i was like wtf.....and it was just a girl scout sellin some cookies.....i was like wtf.......lol........i told her to come back later cuz i didnt have money at da momment so she gonna come back when my mom and dad come back frm work they gonna buy some cookies :D :D :D :D :p lol..............
yeah es cuz you cried i dunno what to do when ppl cry so i just gots to do what they ask yaeh no not really lol i usaully start laughin when someone crys no matter for what even when i'm cryin bout somethin i luagh lol......i'm just wierd dat way.......:p :p :p :D and simon i will........i just had some stuff to do at mi casa someone was nokin and i was like wtf.....and it was just a girl scout sellin some cookies.....i was like wtf.......lol........i told her to come back later cuz i didnt have money at da momment so she gonna come back when my mom and dad come back frm work they gonna buy some cookies :D :D :D :D :p lol..............

LOL...shit i knew it would work...lol...ey u better buy some cookies 4rm her si no te voy a madrear...:p....:D....orale simon...
i dont even like pepsi... gime my dr peper!!!
3s all bout P3ps!..........LOL........:rolleyes:
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