Dark Mexican
Legendary Poster
personally i dont understand why everyone is acting like black people were the only people who suffered during slavery, yes blacks got it bad but the native indians got in worse and this is the aftermath
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SignUp Now!personally i dont understand why everyone is acting like black people were the only people who suffered during slavery, yes blacks got it bad but the native indians got in worse and this is the aftermath
I aint acting like that vato....just not that what Doe said was correcto, me entiendes? For most peeps, since it is more recent the pedo wit the morenos, its more alive....
Please don't say vato or I will continue to say nigger.
You nigger's aint the only motherfucker's that been threw shit,native's have asians have..Motherfucker the white's have irish and italians been threw worst.Hispanic's have been threw it,if you want to accept it slavery is something that was part of earth it's part of life there are still slave's.Spare me with the bibble babble bullshit and your killing me with your half ass espenol now im getting insulted,everyone wants me to be less racist everyone call's me a asshole its ganna keep showing as long as i see a nigger comming in here sayin vato and complaining about the blacks struggling threw more or pretty much saying other race's been threw less.Who the fuck are you?To tell me imma speek for myself maybe other's feel different,who are you to tell me who's really struggling and not just you all blacks do it. Motherfucking puerto rican's say nigger once when I was in class i asked a nigger why do you let other race's and not the race who came up with the word say it.Motherfucking devin say's,"There not the one's who wipped us".....SO THE FUCK WHAT was that 109 years ago?Oh and let me tell you something as long as you bring up slavery and remind people of it the longer there going to be racist to you.When I was in south boston some black pedifile who dressed as a women and raped the white people?Anyone ever here of this shit?you ever here a group of italian complaining like when the motherfucking blacks complain about them getting a ticket,"OHHH ITS BECAUSE OF MY SKIN COLOR",SKiN tone does not define race asshole its all about whats in your blood and in your gene pool my mom is mexican and native american and she is almost pale with black hair she looks fuckin japanese.Did white people complain about when black's break into there home's and steal from them?Or do they just call the cop's?And you call them snitches,pfft give me a fucking break.Im just sick and tired of the bullshit that's all.Sick and fucking tired,Im sick and tired of you people(Yes motherfucker you people and what?)Wining about slavery in U.S. which is over 100years ago shut up,sick and tired of you saying because you black you cant get good job not the white mans fault you fucking dropped out,sick and tired of hearing because im black I went to jail not the white mans fault you sold drug's,sick in tired of hearing because im black I live in a bad house not the white man's fault you have no fucking job,Im not going to go on anymore about that but let me ask you all something?When other race's such as white's when they live in the slum's or trailers,or hispanic's when they live in crappy apt's or the project's,or asian's when they live in there store because beleve me I use to be poor with my dad and we lived in a shitty apt upstairs from our store,DO WE EVER SAY BECAUSE IM ASIAN,OR BECAUSE IM HISPANIC,OR IM FUCKING DIRT POOR BECAUSE IM WHITE?NO,we do something for ourselve's bitching about it will get you no'were im sure thet excused flew about 50years ago but shit has changed.You have a nice day now.Ill tell you what I wrote this"Because your black".fucku
yeah..mu bad i don't hate blacks...LOL..but truth be told....the media -- doesn't show alot of things just becoz they dont wanna seem racist towards blacks...which is a load of BS.....but when a white man kills a black...they'll gladly show that on the news......people are just to scare to sound offensive because they know what black people do...read about the L.A riots and how the black people burned down blocks and gas stations....they don't want it to happen again so they stay silent......as if doing your job is gon make you racist for simply sumthin that happened on the news...it doesnt make you righteous about it....pussies..lol
Please don't say vato or I will continue to say nigger.
You nigger's aint the only motherfucker's that been threw shit,native's have asians have..Motherfucker the white's have irish and italians been threw worst.Hispanic's have been threw it,if you want to accept it slavery is something that was part of earth it's part of life there are still slave's.Spare me with the bibble babble bullshit and your killing me with your half ass espenol now im getting insulted,everyone wants me to be less racist everyone call's me a asshole its ganna keep showing as long as i see a nigger comming in here sayin vato and complaining about the blacks struggling threw more or pretty much saying other race's been threw less.Who the fuck are you?To tell me imma speek for myself maybe other's feel different,who are you to tell me who's really struggling and not just you all blacks do it. Motherfucking puerto rican's say nigger once when I was in class i asked a nigger why do you let other race's and not the race who came up with the word say it.Motherfucking devin say's,"There not the one's who wipped us".....SO THE FUCK WHAT was that 109 years ago?Oh and let me tell you something as long as you bring up slavery and remind people of it the longer there going to be racist to you.When I was in south boston some black pedifile who dressed as a women and raped the white people?Anyone ever here of this shit?you ever here a group of italian complaining like when the motherfucking blacks complain about them getting a ticket,"OHHH ITS BECAUSE OF MY SKIN COLOR",SKiN tone does not define race asshole its all about whats in your blood and in your gene pool my mom is mexican and native american and she is almost pale with black hair she looks fuckin japanese.Did white people complain about when black's break into there home's and steal from them?Or do they just call the cop's?And you call them snitches,pfft give me a fucking break.Im just sick and tired of the bullshit that's all.Sick and fucking tired,Im sick and tired of you people(Yes motherfucker you people and what?)Wining about slavery in U.S. which is over 100years ago shut up,sick and tired of you saying because you black you cant get good job not the white mans fault you fucking dropped out,sick and tired of hearing because im black I went to jail not the white mans fault you sold drug's,sick in tired of hearing because im black I live in a bad house not the white man's fault you have no fucking job,Im not going to go on anymore about that but let me ask you all something?When other race's such as white's when they live in the slum's or trailers,or hispanic's when they live in crappy apt's or the project's,or asian's when they live in there store because beleve me I use to be poor with my dad and we lived in a shitty apt upstairs from our store,DO WE EVER SAY BECAUSE IM ASIAN,OR BECAUSE IM HISPANIC,OR IM FUCKING DIRT POOR BECAUSE IM WHITE?NO,we do something for ourselve's bitching about it will get you no'were im sure thet excused flew about 50years ago but shit has changed.You have a nice day now.Ill tell you what I wrote this"Because your black".fucku
Hmm I feel ya....There is certainly a racial double (or even triple) standard. I think that alot of what goes down as far as the blacks goes is lingering from the Civil Rights chit and some from the LA riots. I wish they'd go ahead and seem racist towards us cuz ummm we already know they are, no need for dulce mentiras....Hispanics have experienced the same chit, but it isn't as much in the national mindset that it happened. I'm not 100% sure why to be honest.
Long blocks of text are helped a wee bit by pressing the enter key at times. I don't see a problem with the word vato (or wey, or ese, compa, karnal or any of that...)...We say it and its cool. I doubt I'd ever call you vato anyway, but I won't since it seems to offend you. Is there some negative connation to any of those words aside from wey in certain usages...? Nigger is ONLY a bad connotation (akin to spic), so errr no me tiene sentido lo q dices man....Nig / nigga are cool for raza to say, but not the black hating raza =P
let me say something 'vato' that aint a mexican word, spanish aint nothing to do woth latinos b4 the spanish you were speaking other languages so dont tell him what he cant say,get a clue REAL SPANISH people hate latinos just like they hate blacks but heres a secret they hate latinos more
Well your a dumbass vato is insulting i'll search for the video but a gang of mexican's flipped out and recorded it about the song vato Snoop Dogg made.
So don't try .. YOu know what why are you speaking spanish to me,just stop.
Nope not aloud niggers cant say vato they are insulting brown rather your like it or not,thats how it is.
vato is insulting to la raza when ur not mexican? LOL. I suggest you step out of your hood hombrito
So a ver, no puedo decir vato ni hablar espanol?!?!?!? Uta madre....Anything else I shouldn't do mister sabio? jajaja, errr, con todo respeto digo...
Umm I have stepped out of my hood long long ago about 1year ago when I got to be not poor and dad started to make money.For your information.And who is not mexican?.....Oh your saying i'm not mexican I hope not shit because your way off if that's what your saying.Oh but of course your right then again im not my father is asian..O well fuck niggers :-0Im not going to define what I am to you people I have done it over a dozen time's.
i wasn't talkin to you...i was talkin' to Mr.skitso..and i wasnt implyin that he wasn't mexican....coz im mexican and i wouldn't get offended if a dark skinner called me vato...but i guess it can only be offensive if u impersonate the accent...i seen mayates doin that tho