see the links, bitch- Oh but now they're biased-gee I forgot that any derogatory information about immigrants or Hispanics is biased
you are such a moron it really is very, very hard to believe that anyone could be as dumb as you
The National Center For Education Statistics- biased?
The U.S. Bureau Of Justice Stastics- biased?
The article that you posted yourself which confirms what I said- biased?
in your warped racist bigotted mind there isN'T enough time to talk about ALL the facts.
and you know what?
it is a true honest fact that latinas are dropping out because of making stupid decisions,
and it is a fact that latinos in general are dropping out because their parents can’t work 60 hour shifts anymore to feed a family of 6, it is a fact that single latina mothers have to work 3 jobs to feed their daughter or their children and leave their children with a feeling of abandonment,
it is a fact that many latinos hate being stereotyped as mexican when they are colombian or ecuadorian or costa rican,
it is a fact that there is a huge population of undocumented latinos which is unfortunate but it’s true.
all those FACTS can't fit in your racist warped mind though.