I already knew what this idiot would say about Carter and the "hostage crisis"; it's one of the biggest knocks right-winged dullards use to beat up on Carter's administration. But I also knew that there were US hostages that were held for a longer period under Reagan than the hostages in Iran under Carter--and the Beirut hostages were released through negotiation; no John Wayne rescue. lol Just because you use wiki as crutch, doesn't mean everyone else is as clueless as you. lol I set this boob from jump street, and now all he can say is "I dig your in depth analysis."Wikipedia is your savior.
The moron goes on about the hostage crisis during Carter's term as President that lasted just over a year and how it marks him as the worst president, but he forgets, or is ignorant of the hostages held in Beirut for years under the Reagan and papa Bush administrations.