you've been spamming a question that was responded to for about a week. why b/c you're scared of the real truth to be told. now
1) tricky dick's comment is what hazer was talking about wit no b.s.s name calling so try to grow up son even when you;re logged in as someone else.
2) we've had furtherance on the issue. i see you're scared to take it on. here it is":
"Poll: Reid numbers rebounding
By ALEXANDER BURNS | 5/28/10 6:23 AM EDT
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, once viewed as an all but lost cause in his battle for reelection, now trails two of his top Republican opponents by only the narrowest of margins and leads a third in general election match-ups, according to a Mason-Dixon poll of Nevada voters published in the Las Vegas Review-Journal.
Former Nevada GOP Chairwoman Sue Lowden has just a 3-percentage-point edge over Reid in the poll, leading 42 percent to 39 percent, while Danny Tarkanian is effectively tied with Reid at 42 percent to 41 percent. Reid is ahead of former state Assemblywoman Sharron Angle, the tea party and Club for Growth favorite who?s been surging in GOP primary polls, by 42 percent to 39 percent.
The poll surveyed 625 registered voters from May 24 through May 26."
i waiting. whenever you're ready to face me.
thanks kid.
why are you afraid to take me on by spamming the same question over and over? take my bet. you said 14 days i said if you take mine the stakes were for good. are you afraid of me?
thanks for the chin guy.