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Question for Hazer (and others)


Legendary Poster
This is a complex question, but in simple terms what would you do about immigration especially as it relates to the countries directly south of the US like Mexico?

what would you do with the illegal immigrants already in the US?

what if anything would you do to/at the border?

Get into some specifics about what immigration reform would look like if you were in charge.
If he really feels that way why will he not go live in Mexico?

mexico is not a bad place. the drug cartels are making it worst i dont live there but i have family that dose . there probroly more jobs there than here but people here want more moneis. if he respected america as a citezen he would not show that stupi flag picture .
mexico is not a bad place. the drug cartels are making it worst i dont live there but i have family that dose . there probroly more jobs there than here but people here want more moneis. if he respected america as a citezen he would not show that stupi flag picture .

Are there millions of Mexcicans living in the USA illegally or millions of U.S. citizens living illegally in Mexico? I just wanted to double check to be sure. That's just the point. He has no respect.
i think more here are ilegal . i do understand why some come here. but not all them .

that is some thing thats makes many mexicans very mad . the way some of them make others look like we are bad people .
This is a complex question, but in simple terms what would you do about immigration especially as it relates to the countries directly south of the US like Mexico?

what would you do with the illegal immigrants already in the US?

what if anything would you do to/at the border?

Get into some specifics about what immigration reform would look like if you were in charge.

A few things need to happen.

You need to have an established plan for social integration taken care of at the borders with those wishing to LEGALLY pass through, and make the process cheaper for them.

If people who are illegal are mainly coming over for work.. well GOOD!! The cheap labor DOES help our economy because it makes products cheaper, and hey, whether they paid taxes or not on a paycheck or they're employers got some tax breaks, as long as they are taking that cheap labor money and pumping it back into the American economy, let em'... if you make it easier for them to do this, you have simply less illegals.

The problem is, there would be a risk of employers using this to their advantage to profit and basically kills jobs. So I think what we need to see is instead, a job classification system meant specifically just for migrant workers. Use that as a means of entry for illegals, require all money earned as an illegal (rather undocumented) worker be spent in America.

Face it, we live in a sorry ass classist society, and realistically, it's this same class bullshit that is needed to sort out just whom is gonna get what job at what pay and just whom should be able to use migrant labor.

2nd, you take that program a step further for those wishing to earn citizenship, and charge them a substantial registering fee for having to fill out the forms in America instead of their home country... in other words... tax the shit out of them for not having their papers in the first place. If they are serious about citizenship, they'll cough up the cash.

And 2. Bring home the troops and patrol our borders on the Mexican side. I know that's OCCUPATION in some people's minds, but I think the relationship that the United States and Mexico have is significant enough that full cooperation could be expected.

If my taxpayer money is going for troops, then I should have a say in what their mission should be... after all.. isn't it "THE PEOPLE'S" army?

And finally... legalize marijuana and tax the living shit out of it. It will curb the gang violence down big time.
i think more here are ilegal . i do understand why some come here. but not all them .

that is some thing thats makes many mexicans very mad . the way some of them make others look like we are bad people .
I remember years ago, back in the late 70's. My family was the first Hispanic family to move into a small packing house town here in Nebraska.

The welcome we got from the community was not exactly warm. However, soon a few more Hispanic families moved in.. they all worked at the beef packing plant like everyone else. Soon, people got used to it, just because my dad was a Mexican was no longer an issue. He worked hard, did lots of double shifts. And he followed the Maddox philosophy of:

To keep us out of trouble, doing our home work, chores, and part to contribute to society.

The payoff for that effort, was respect from people who may have once saw you different when the culture shock first hit their tiny little community of farm boys.

However... in the early 90's... things started to change... soon all the white guys were getting other jobs around our industrial section of this state, and replacing them, was more and more Hispanic families.

The PROBLEM started for 2 key reasons...

1. Lots of young single hispanic guys moving in for the jobs, not just established family's
2. Illegals going where their friends and relatives were going for all that good money.

The main problem with the young single guys wasn't just the fact you had alot of farmers pissed off they were fucking their daughters, but when your young, you do those things that are fun when your young.. so you had your trouble makers... more often then not, the trouble makers were starting to turn out to be illegals. The crimes today, are also starting to be committed by smaller faction gang members from SUR13 and 18th st.

This makes me think back to a comment my dad made back in the mid 90's about the escalation in crime..

Something like... these fuckers need to go back to where they came from... they're giving us all a bad name.

For a while, I thought he was just joking and being sarcastic, soon I realized, he was being 100% honest.

Yes, I do realize all the angles involved here... You can't say just because they are illegal, they are criminals, not all youth are gang members, and many other twists you can toss on it...

But you can't deny the impact of having JUST ANYBODY cross the border. Obviously, the reason we HAVE a damn border in the first damn place is to keep the riff raff out. I don't give a damn what their skin color is, or what language they speak, if you come to America illegally, you can not be reasonably acclimated into our society if you are only here to reap the benefits without the repercussions.

Things are different in Mexico/South America for Hispanics that make some things abnormal in America more common, although still taboo in other countries. And I believe if you want to enter into America, you should first be required to get documentation showing you have been briefed on American culture, and society expectations.

If that doesn't happen.. animosity's between cultures are only gonna get worse.

Borders need to be secured, illegals need to be sorted out and riff raff sent back.

How to do that.. I don't know... or maybe I do know but I'm not sick and twisted enough to say it or wanna think it.

I just want things to be like they were back in the 80's... Hispanic's came here to raise family's and live the American dream, and people accepted that without the fear of illegals and gang members.

The fukkers who fukk that up, really piss me the fukk off.
A few things need to happen.

You need to have an established plan for social integration taken care of at the borders with those wishing to LEGALLY pass through, and make the process cheaper for them.

If people who are illegal are mainly coming over for work.. well GOOD!! The cheap labor DOES help our economy because it makes products cheaper, and hey, whether they paid taxes or not on a paycheck or they're employers got some tax breaks, as long as they are taking that cheap labor money and pumping it back into the American economy, let em'... if you make it easier for them to do this, you have simply less illegals.

The problem is, there would be a risk of employers using this to their advantage to profit and basically kills jobs. So I think what we need to see is instead, a job classification system meant specifically just for migrant workers. Use that as a means of entry for illegals, require all money earned as an illegal (rather undocumented) worker be spent in America.

Face it, we live in a sorry ass classist society, and realistically, it's this same class bullshit that is needed to sort out just whom is gonna get what job at what pay and just whom should be able to use migrant labor.

2nd, you take that program a step further for those wishing to earn citizenship, and charge them a substantial registering fee for having to fill out the forms in America instead of their home country... in other words... tax the shit out of them for not having their papers in the first place. If they are serious about citizenship, they'll cough up the cash.

And 2. Bring home the troops and patrol our borders on the Mexican side. I know that's OCCUPATION in some people's minds, but I think the relationship that the United States and Mexico have is significant enough that full cooperation could be expected.

If my taxpayer money is going for troops, then I should have a say in what their mission should be... after all.. isn't it "THE PEOPLE'S" army?

And finally... legalize marijuana and tax the living shit out of it. It will curb the gang violence down big time.

First, once again you are the only one from the BP left with the huevos to answer my question.
First, once again you are the only one from the BP left with the huevos to answer my question.

I agree truthbtold he is the first and most likely the only one . I on the other hand am a Nam vet. . I have my beliefs and I don't think it will sit well with others .
I agree truthbtold he is the first and most likely the only one . I on the other hand am a Nam vet. . I have my beliefs and I don't think it will sit well with others .

Yes sir, there are certain things that we (you and I) are not allowed to say here.

I will say this though in response to his post: I do NOT agree with "taxing the shit" out of anything.
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