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So this is what its come to... your homosexuality.
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Ho Ho Ho Chi Minh we will win!
actually some estimates are as high as 2 million vietnamese died.
and you worship the U.S. that sent thousands to their death for nothing.[crazy]LOL ! This guy is worshiping a communist that sent thousands of people to there death which prevailed against all odds.
and you worship the U.S. that sent thousands to their death for nothing.[crazy]
Died for nothing, that would be your opinion. For those who are interested there is a book that I enjoyed called Stolen Valor. Might change your opinion.
.Died for nothing, that would be your opinion. For those who are interested there is a book that I enjoyed called Stolen Valor. Might change your opinion
Thats the reason I could give a fuck about these scum bag illegal Mexicans .
I'll have to check that book out .
Instead of trying to be a wise ass who is disrespecting a veteran of the vietnam war, why don't you show some respect and ask him (as a person who experienced the war first hand) about his experiences so you (and all of us) can learn something.
This is a complex question, but in simple terms what would you do about immigration especially as it relates to the countries directly south of the US like Mexico?
what would you do with the illegal immigrants already in the US?
give them an acceptable way to become legal easily. they should just take their birth certificate from their home country to the nearest immigration place, undergo fingerprinting for criminal check and be accepted full citizen with all the rights and responsibilities of citizens.
only deny ppl with backgrounds in hurting kids, murder, rape etc.
what if anything would you do to/at the border?
they need an "ellis island" at the border where ppl can claim asylum and become american citizens.
Get into some specifics about what immigration reform would look like if you were in charge.
it would look like a happier america in one generation and an end to the 2nd class citizen b.s. and everything that goes along with that. we'd have millions of new americans who are much more culturally in sync with america than the muslim, communist p.o.s refugees and thousands of eastern european foreigners that get here so fkn easily.
You would HAVE to tax what I was referring to (marijuana). And I'll tell you why..... there is money to be made for all involved, the governments gotta get it's cut too..To me it's not fair to raise taxes on certain products. I don't drink milk, but I'm not saying "tax the shit" out of milk.
mexico is not a bad place. the drug cartels are making it worst i dont live there but i have family that dose . there probroly more jobs there than here but people here want more moneis. if he respected america as a citezen he would not show that stupi flag picture .