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So mexicans are taking jobs from americans

No mad rush NOW - it's been like this ..It realy started about 20 years ago

Let me ask you something .. for lack of a better example .. if you had a family living next to you and you knew they were very very poor - not lazy, just poor - they had no food - that the kids were going hungry - and they asked you if they could come over and do things around your place for money - would ya lend a helping hand or tell them to get the hell back in their own yard and leave you and yours alone? To me, its different, but not much so .. this is an opinion, and opinions are like assholes - everybody got one - but TO ME, Canada and Mexico ARE our neighbors and IMHO it's our obligation to help them - it shouldn't be such a hardship and make everyone so angry. I just don't get it .. if the people have NO criminal record and they have families here and they really ARE here just to work and make it better for them and theirs, then what's the big deal??

Thats a fair question . I have let some of the kids mow and rake the yard . But to answer you question ,after my family is taken care of yes I would help them .

And getting nowhere fast!! :mad:
Sure they are And you are seeing it now , in the form of newly elected politicians . There are a lot of politicians today that are very worried about there job .
but they would had to have lived here for a certain amount of time in order to gain citizenship,working all the while to do so.Yeah you could say that for some,but there are others who don;t some have stolen IDs, and other . The other is an article I am reading wear a woman comes to the states has a baby , and knows she is very sick .You pretty much know what happens next . Her baby is born with a sickness. To make a long story short ,she new she was sick got pregnant,came to the states to become legal . Now its estimated that the cost ( to tax payers) is around 1 million bucks the first year .Thats don't include disability payments for both of them and so on . Now she wants to bring her sick husband to the states .Shes never worked a day in this country,never even did public service .Where dose it end ?

The truth of the matter is that it's inevitable and they're doing it peacefully without firing a single shot.Thats not true ! Mr Truth just made a post how there going after public officials .

which is?

which is?
Immigrants do not pay taxes, and drain government resources by abusing social services.
According to the nonpartisan Urban Institute in 1994, immigrants and refugees pay approximately $28 million more in taxes than they consume in services. Not only do immigrants consume very little of welfare funds, they actually subsidize the welfare of others. Immigrants, both documented and undocumented, pay $70-$90 billion in taxes each year and use less than $50 billion in services. Many undocumented immigrants pay more income tax than they owe because they are afraid to file and claim a refund. Despite higher poverty rates, immigrants use fewer public benefits than citizens and are less likely to become dependent on welfare. Undocumented immigrants are not eligible for welfare, food stamps, or most other social programs. And, except for pre-natal care, they do not qualify for government-provided medical treatment, except in emergencies. [source: "A Progressive Perspective on Immigration," Democratic Socialists of America.]

The difference between yourself and everyone maintaining a level of credibility is the use of sources to back up claims. But in the end at the end of it all, hey that is just my opinion.
that's the real truth to b told. this myth about illegals filling our social services ranks is wholly untrue and simplyu a facet of paranoia, racism and race baiting for right wing moonbat talkshow hosts to gin up an audience and expand their numbers.
Look,would you agree that without work they would most likely leave?I mean,who hires these people so that they may afford housing and the means to manipulate the system?

We know for a fact that immigration policies,deportation,military along the border,and the great wall fail to curb the migration.So how can you stop this?by coming on here day in day out crying about it without any significant solutions.Think!who is the real culprit behind your sleepless nights?Is it the ones seeking work or the ones hiring them?

True. If the well dries up, no one will come to drink.
Yeah you could say that for some,but there are others who don;t some have stolen IDs, and other . The other is an article I am reading wear a woman comes to the states has a baby , and knows she is very sick .You pretty much know what happens next . Her baby is born with a sickness. To make a long story short ,she new she was sick got pregnant,came to the states to become legal .
Now its estimated that the cost ( to tax payers) is around 1 million bucks the first year .Thats don't include disability payments for both of them and so on . Now she wants to bring her sick husband to the states .
Shes never worked a day in this country,never even did public service .Where dose it end ?.
Stolen IDs and a pregnant lady seeking aid story..Fuck outta here with that shit!
Mr Truth just made a post how there going after public officials .
I don't give a shit what he posted.This is what you wanted a "constructive debate"didn't you? Stop looking around for ppl to bail you out all the god damn time.Grab your nut sack and handle your fucken buisness.

btw you completely ignored my two other questions.
.And yes I have had a love one die because of no health care/money . She went to the emergency room for chest pains,after waiting hours she got fed up and left . The reason for the wait ? The corner said a person can't get emergency care do to the illegals that are waiting for a Doctor for there colds .


I'm so sorry you lost your family member. My condolences.

The truth is, the coroner told you a hateful remark to justify the incompetence of the ER. Emergencies are treated in order of severity, not the color of the patient. And chest pain qualifies as an emergency over a cold. Don't believe everything you hear.
FYI> I don't have sleepless nights . I come here because I was told that if I really wanted to know how Mexicans/Latin people felt about people and this country . And so far they are correct .

I love this country. I love my fellow citizens. I love that you and I can express our opinions without repercussions. It's beautiful. Love
Stolen IDs and a pregnant lady seeking aid story..Fuck outta here with that shit!
I don't give a shit what he posted.This is what you wanted a "constructive debate"didn't you? Stop looking around for ppl to bail you out all the god damn time.Grab your nut sack and handle your fucken buisness.

btw you completely ignored my two other questions.

i agree i agree i agree you can tell hero has a weak argument b/c instead of using solid practical examples of his arguments he is resorting to exceptions to the rules instead of examples and listening to troof's moonbat right wing conspiracy theories.
i agree i agree i agree you can tell hero has a weak argument b/c instead of using solid practical examples of his arguments he is resorting to exceptions to the rules instead of examples and listening to troof's moonbat right wing conspiracy theories.
lol notice how he pretends this thread doesn't exist anymore.
I tend to lean to the right on things but really what jobs are Mexicans taking? who here wants to go work the jobs that they are "taking" especially at the prices they are getting paid? I say let them work but control it better...have a line at the border....register them as they come across and have them check in and make sure they are working and paying some taxes...they work hard and contrary to right wing wackos they give more than they take from the tax payers
The illegal immigrants should be allowed to stay because it's not them that are taking the jobs, we're giving them away because we don't want to do the work ourselves. The issue of the added expense of providing care for illegal immigrants can be fixed by making them pay a special tax.
i agree i agree i agree you can tell hero has a weak argument b/c instead of using solid practical examples of his arguments he is resorting to exceptions to the rules instead of examples and listening to troof's moonbat right wing conspiracy theories.

lol notice how he pretends this thread doesn't exist anymore.

OK boys a girls listen up here . Put a spin on this . If illegal immigrant don't take American jobs according to you all . Then why are they leaving in record numbers back to Mexico because they can't find work
Because the jobs they were taking that Americans did not want lessened in number just like all the other jobs in the country. UUUUHHHHHH maybe?!

But hey, that's the facts plus my own opinion.
The illegal immigrants should be allowed to stay because it's not them that are taking the jobs, we're giving them away because we don't want to do the work ourselves. The issue of the added expense of providing care for illegal immigrants can be fixed by making them pay a special tax.

i agree Good points!
I tend to lean to the right on things but really what jobs are Mexicans taking? who here wants to go work the jobs that they are "taking" especially at the prices they are getting paid? I say let them work but control it better...have a line at the border....register them as they come across and have them check in and make sure they are working and paying some taxes...they work hard and contrary to right wing wackos they give more than they take from the tax payers

good post!

let's look at what a fox news republican said supporting what you just said:

"Who cannot get a job because a Mexican illegally here has taken the job they want. If that's the case, if you can get me their name and phone number by five this afternoon, I can have them making a bed, plucking a chicken, tarring a roof or picking a tomato by the morning at 8 o' clock... Tonight, whe you get home, get on your knees and thank God you live in a country people ar trying to break into rather than a country people are trying to break out of ."

- mike huckabbee speaking at a fundraising luncheon in lexington Ccounty, s.c., september 18, 2006

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