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The Estimated Cost of Illegal Immigration

Looks like the employers hire those who they felt would do the job more efficiently. :)
Inefficient workers would be better off learning how to become more competitive in their industry than crying about it. Of course, that's just my opinion.
You said a "key" word "Employers" I really grow tired of all the bitching and moaning surrounding debates such as this. Are "Illegals" wrong for coming to this country w/out going throught the proper protocol? yes however imo if there weren't so many Employers readily available to hire them I am sure the influx would decrease dramatically. I have always stated this in these types of debates "we can sit back and blame the immigrant till we are all blue in the face" but the ones we should be shitting on are the employers who will turn their heads to hire them. The issue with New Orleans is simple, as an Employer would you hire the average 'american" worker who is somewhat skilled (often times they are not) "Jack of all trades master of none" or would you hire someone who is willing to work for less and has the same skills? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this out.
BTW...My ex father-in-law once stated to me that he was fed up with hiring "american" workers because
1. They were lazy and fucked off all the time
2. They always had a million excuses as to why they couldn't make it in on a "Monday" or "Friday"
3. He had faced multiple disability cases due to "accidents that were allegedly done on the job" when in reality it occured over the weekend
4.Alot of them lied about the ability to be bonded? And were for the most part meth users and alcoholics?
(btw my ex father-in-law is a good ol boy born and raised in Oklahoma)
During his tirade he mentioned that he would rather hire "immigrant" workers because they were always on time and ready to work, while at work they busted their ass and never did they once call in sick....
True story.
You said a "key" word "Employers" I really grow tired of all the bitching and moaning surrounding debates such as this. Are "Illegals" wrong for coming to this country w/out going throught the proper protocol? yes however imo if there weren't so many Employers readily available to hire them I am sure the influx would decrease dramatically. I have always stated this in these types of debates "we can sit back and blame the immigrant till we are all blue in the face" but the ones we should be shitting on are the employers who will turn their heads to hire them. The issue with New Orleans is simple, as an Employer would you hire the average 'american" worker who is somewhat skilled (often times they are not) "Jack of all trades master of none" or would you hire someone who is willing to work for less and has the same skills? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this out.
BTW...My ex father-in-law once stated to me that he was fed up with hiring "american" workers because
1. They were lazy and fucked off all the time
2. They always had a million excuses as to why they couldn't make it in on a "Monday" or "Friday"
3. He had faced multiple disability cases due to "accidents that were allegedly done on the job" when in reality it occured over the weekend
4.Alot of them lied about the ability to be bonded? And were for the most part meth users and alcoholics?
(btw my ex father-in-law is a good ol boy born and raised in Oklahoma)
During his tirade he mentioned that he would rather hire "immigrant" workers because they were always on time and ready to work, while at work they busted their ass and never did they once call in sick....
True story.

I have also heard employers say that neither immigrants or American workers worked out for them. :confused: Or that they had to have a constant flow of foreigner workers as soon as the others became Americanized and "ruined". Of course "illegal" workers are safe because they will never complain about anything if they want to stay badly enough.
I really grow tired of all the bitching and moaning surrounding debates such as this.
Honestly, grow tired of the emotional rhetoric on all sides of this debate.

The old "Americans are too lazy to do the work illegals do" is just as nonsensical to me as the "illegals are taking American jobs." The truth is that so-called Americans will do the work--just at a certain wage, and that willing workers ("illegals") out-compete Americans in some job-markets.
I have also heard employers say that neither immigrants or American workers worked out for them. :confused: Or that they had to have a constant flow of foreigner workers as soon as the others became Americanized and "ruined". Of course "illegal" workers are safe because they will never complain about anything if they want to stay badly enough.
This is not exactly true, look at history. I think that any employer will look at what is in the best interest of their company and the amount of cash flow. It is easy to say that automatically the "American" worker should be hired in all instances but I have always been under the impression that the best "person" for the job is the best choice. And when you calculate "wages and skill" you are always going to have differing opinions. I have known some of the "American" workers that have worked for me ex daddy-in-law (whom I adore) and they have been scary, they looked dirty and strung out and as far as skill? They were okay when they actually showed up for work and were "sober" Barely any of the crew had a highschool diploma and were just out-right crass, so the "education" debate kind of goes out the door.
Honestly, grow tired of the emotional rhetoric on all sides of this debate.

The old "Americans are too lazy to do the work illegals do" is just as nonsensical to me as the "illegals are taking American jobs." The truth is that so-called Americans will do the work--just at a certain wage, and that willing workers ("illegals") out-compete Americans in some job-markets.
Agreed. My ex mother-in-law grew up North Carolina and was from a very poor family, she stated that she was not too proud to work in the cotton fields, so I can agree with the first half of your post. And to the latter I agree, it is hard to compete for a job if someone is stating that they will do it for a lower wage, sad but true.
This is not exactly true, look at history. I think that any employer will look at what is in the best interest of their company and the amount of cash flow. It is easy to say that automatically the "American" worker should be hired in all instances but I have always been under the impression that the best "person" for the job is the best choice. And when you calculate "wages and skill" you are always going to have differing opinions. I have known some of the "American" workers that have worked for me ex daddy-in-law (whom I adore) and they have been scary, they looked dirty and strung out and as far as skill? They were okay when they actually showed up for work and were "sober" Barely any of the crew had a highschool diploma and were just out-right crass, so the "education" debate kind of goes out the door.

I was just thinking about my Aunt's husband. He says that he also has trouble getting Americans to pass the drug test. He says a lot of people coming out of Mexico can at first but as time goes on that often changes (after they've been here a while). Then he has to fire that batch of workers and hire new ones coming out of Mexico. So it seems there are deeper questions we have to ask about why this is.
I was just thinking about my Aunt's husband. He says that he also has trouble getting Americans to pass the drug test. He says a lot of people coming out of Mexico can at first but as time goes on that often changes (after they've been here a while). Then he has to fire that batch of workers and hire new ones coming out of Mexico. So it seems there are deeper questions we have to ask about why this is.
You answered your own question Rosey, After they have been here awhile.:(
Oh, hell yeah. And they rude too. lol
Man, I've sub'd in some middle school classes--and the newly arrived immigrants are so much easier to manage and keep on task than students born here.
Duh! Of course you are going to run into these types of issues with anyone born here. This is a whole other discussion, but I feel you on this.
*On a side note* My dad always references to this, "If I was you you grandfather would have broken all my teeth" "Kids these days:rolleyes:" "No respect, if you were in the old country you would not be allowed to speak" I tend to agree with him on the level of respect or the lack thereof
Yes. :( So we need to address what makes our society so ill instead of just piling in people until they too become the same and must be replaced with no seeming end.
Easier said than done, I do not think for some reason that the folks on the hill care too much about these social ills.:(x2
dear right wing,

keep in mind my langage was spoken here first, when columbus, an italian, came there were people already living here in tune with the earth and many of them were my ancestors your english langage is an immigrated langage not mine you brought it over from england mother nature thrived before you came, there was no waste, no polution, you drove the bufffulo to near extinction. so how are you more superior then me. your sons do not cut their yards, your daughters don't want to clear their own homes, your wives are more interested in the tennis instructor you pay for while you are gone for days at a time. we clean, we cut, we raise your children because you are to lazy to do it yourself. and guess what...... in a lot of cases we are paid quite well for our services. you hire us but yet you don't want us here.....explain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!while you get back on the ship that brought you here.

You hire "us"? So are you saying that you are an illegal immigrant? I personally do not hire any illegal immigrants to do work for me- ever. Your "response" is nothing more than a bunch of blithering dribble. Once again when the issue is illegal immigration you attempt to change the focus with this dribble. Keep trying......
You said a "key" word "Employers" I really grow tired of all the bitching and moaning surrounding debates such as this. Are "Illegals" wrong for coming to this country w/out going throught the proper protocol? yes however imo if there weren't so many Employers readily available to hire them I am sure the influx would decrease dramatically. I have always stated this in these types of debates "we can sit back and blame the immigrant till we are all blue in the face" but the ones we should be shitting on are the employers who will turn their heads to hire them. The issue with New Orleans is simple, as an Employer would you hire the average 'american" worker who is somewhat skilled (often times they are not) "Jack of all trades master of none" or would you hire someone who is willing to work for less and has the same skills? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this out.
BTW...My ex father-in-law once stated to me that he was fed up with hiring "american" workers because
1. They were lazy and fucked off all the time
2. They always had a million excuses as to why they couldn't make it in on a "Monday" or "Friday"
3. He had faced multiple disability cases due to "accidents that were allegedly done on the job" when in reality it occured over the weekend
4.Alot of them lied about the ability to be bonded? And were for the most part meth users and alcoholics?
(btw my ex father-in-law is a good ol boy born and raised in Oklahoma)
During his tirade he mentioned that he would rather hire "immigrant" workers because they were always on time and ready to work, while at work they busted their ass and never did they once call in sick....
True story.

WHY, DA!!!!!! Such language. I am personally flabbergasted!!!!!!

In my area the illegal immigrants are mostly Brazilians. I have seen first hand that some of these illegals are the laziest workers that I have ever seen in my life. Back in 2005 I subletted office space for my business with a professional billing agency. After we had been in there for a while I found out that the owner of this agency was hiring illegals for short money for some of the lesser skilled jobs. My office was right next door to their area. They did nothing but sit there and talk and play on the internet all day long. I have no idea how this guy ever let them get away with it while he was paying them but he did. Anyway....the land lord decided that he was going to expand his business so we had to leave at the conclusion of the lease. The owner of the billing agency asked me if I wanted to buy a building with him after we heard. YA.....right

The notion that ALL immigrants are all hard workers is nothing but another stereotype. Each individual is different.
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