Dark Angel
Super Moderator
You said a "key" word "Employers" I really grow tired of all the bitching and moaning surrounding debates such as this. Are "Illegals" wrong for coming to this country w/out going throught the proper protocol? yes however imo if there weren't so many Employers readily available to hire them I am sure the influx would decrease dramatically. I have always stated this in these types of debates "we can sit back and blame the immigrant till we are all blue in the face" but the ones we should be shitting on are the employers who will turn their heads to hire them. The issue with New Orleans is simple, as an Employer would you hire the average 'american" worker who is somewhat skilled (often times they are not) "Jack of all trades master of none" or would you hire someone who is willing to work for less and has the same skills? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this out.Looks like the employers hire those who they felt would do the job more efficiently.
Inefficient workers would be better off learning how to become more competitive in their industry than crying about it. Of course, that's just my opinion.
BTW...My ex father-in-law once stated to me that he was fed up with hiring "american" workers because
1. They were lazy and fucked off all the time
2. They always had a million excuses as to why they couldn't make it in on a "Monday" or "Friday"
3. He had faced multiple disability cases due to "accidents that were allegedly done on the job" when in reality it occured over the weekend
4.Alot of them lied about the ability to be bonded? And were for the most part meth users and alcoholics?
(btw my ex father-in-law is a good ol boy born and raised in Oklahoma)
During his tirade he mentioned that he would rather hire "immigrant" workers because they were always on time and ready to work, while at work they busted their ass and never did they once call in sick....
True story.