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The Most Horrible Thing Happend To Me Today.......!!!1

yeah i'll post up pix it wasnt that bad..............but it were horrible for me............i started cryin like crazy.............lol.......me cryin for some stupid shiet that can be easily fixed lol...............:rolleyes:
yeah you right i cant drive.............:rolleyes: i admit it...............lol..........na fuck dat im a good driver i just got a bit confused es all.....wit da peddles and shiet it happens to all lol......:D ................:rolleyes:
well it happend to me........:rolleyes: it has only happend to me like twice thas it............and its been most recently when i were younger na it never happend pero ahora que estoy mas older es happenin thas crazy......lol.................:D :rolleyes:
daaaang ana you need to chill you getting all mad..you know how they doit here in bp?? its all a joke but dont take it to the heart just be happy that we all glad that you ok
wow thas crazy i were bout to call you babe..................yeah beto wouldnt be to happy bout that......................:eek: my bad.........lol............pero simon i wasnt mad i were just talkin.......lol.................por eso le dije que lo tomara como sea cuz i wernt sayin it in a bad way or mad or nothin i were just sayin..........lol......:D
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