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the only thing we taking over is the jails, grow the fuck up, taking over? we cant even raise our kids right, dont talk shit, you sound uneducated. taking over my ass, with wat? pregnent 12 yrlds???!!!!!
Amen sista!<--- Church voice..any of u ppl heard the in 50 years from now Hispanics are gonna be the majority in this country...thats mean a shit load of Hispanics
Wait a minute....a political party or activist group that is in existence for the benefit of only one ethnic group? Wouldn't that be racist?
IE: La Raza or "The Race"
republicans benifit only rich white ppl .....and democrats benfits the poor white ppl and thats cuz white ppl are the majority ......... this country always need the pyramid system rich ppl in control and poor ppl
YOU say this country = rich people in control of poor people?
Can you name one country where poor people are in control of rich people? LOL. come again amigo!
By far the softest AmeriKKKan I have came across in the net.^^^ give him some sh!t... get off my back. lol
STARTING WITH ARIZ0NA..:] ..aNd DaTz WuT dAt iZZZZ!!! OnE CiTy aT a TyME!!!!
do you really want your town to be like Tiajuana?
only the one that has a life long pass to the jails will be there..and as for the preggo 12 yr olds-git er' done!the only thing we taking over is the jails, grow the fuck up, taking over? we cant even raise our kids right, dont talk shit, you sound uneducated. taking over my ass, with wat? pregnent 12 yrlds???!!!!!