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Who's hot?????????

that dnt make me jelous and in australia when we say som1 is ugly we say dog ugly its a saying like any other but its obliviously not so normal to u i get gggggeeeeezzzzz
sounds like jealousy to me......................it doesnt matter what it means to you..it was still not right....i mean you asked who's the hottest and flyest on bp...it was your thread so you kinda downed me...becoz i dont think shes ugly
yeah thats UR opinion i dnt think she ugly but i dnt think she pretty i called her dog ugly coz i was mad bout wat she sed bout my friends ok

what u mad at me now????
i aint gon bag her
in ur PM's u act like im coming to get her and that ima bag her i aint it was one comment and y'all blew it out of porportion
stand by her side thats what ur mena t to do but dnt do it against me since i aint got it in fo her or nothin
man is it so hard to understand C'mon

by the way in australia bag= tease or diss or whatever
why the hell would i be jelous now u making me mad coz im happy wit my kinda boi friend i tolkd u i was kinda single well im happy wit my (sorta) man ok i dnt like u as anymore than a frined and im not even sure if i wanna be yo frioend if u be saying that i jelous of that chika gggeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzz
aiight......that's what i get when u say things like that..it kinda makes you look like your jealous u know....so watch it next time......i dont hate you....shit i never said anything about you being more than a friend to me...
i hope everythin cool now...but if u still dont like her .....then i dunno...
its not that i dnt like her i dnt like her going round saying shyt

and i nver sed anything bout u saying, whatever

where did this come from???????? coz i , well i dunno where u pulled that frm........

>>> {quote} shit i never said anything about you being more than a friend to me{qoute}

what the..... i never sed anything like that

look heres how it is........
i like u as a FRIEND
i dnt like what ur girl SED and i got mad and called her dog ugly
i dnt care if u dnt like me coz i dnt wanna be friends wit yo girl but thats all up to u
u chose ur friends OK

whatever i be goign now talk 2 moro or somthin BYE
then that the way it be
juss coz i dnt wanna be friends wit her
i told u i dnt hate her, so isnt that enough
u cant force people to be friends
r u sure coz that be it if that is ur decision
and besides
remember this?

nah neither do i but i was mad and had to say somthing
thanx for the apology i am sorry to fo being mean to u and expressing my opinion in a way that was far frm nice sorry

i sed it to mr unique
i apoligised but u still mad, Y
ouch i don't know who she be, but angelita bonita is not ugly. she pretty.

im still stickin to what i put earlier only im adding to my list angelita bonita jajaja
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