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Why are Surenios so Whitewashed

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umm and who told u that lie...
u kno u was smoking that good shyt when u wrote that down...
okay how i said before if u havent been in the west coast then u dont kno was up...
so have u ever been in the west coast if u havent then how would u kno that they are whitewashed...
Yeah I have. I'm living here in L.A. right now. And I hate it because of that fact. If it wasn't for my babby mamma, and my 2 daughters I would be long gone. In fact if she doesn't role out with me in 2 years, I'm leave her and my 2 daughters behind. While I'm here though I am going to teach my 2 daughters who are half black, that not all Mexicans aren't white washed just the ones they live around.
umm and who told u that lie...
u kno u was smoking that good shyt when u wrote that down...
okay how i said before if u havent been in the west coast then u dont kno was up...
Look you seem cool, but I here it and see it evreyday from the surenio's around here. I catch dirty looks because my kids are half black.
Well, DUH. Now I see, the OP is not in the Surenos, they just want to know why they don't go after whites instead of others. That's what I get for getting so little sleep in the las 24 hrs.
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