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Why are Surenios so Whitewashed

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i think you are talking about prison whell seeing that it is a race thing in prison you fight agents the oposing side but on the out side it is diffrent we live free man it isn't like that for all fools but what ever. i love my freedom FREEEEEEE AT LAST well thats what i sead when i got out. true story.
and the last time i was their i remember 2 riots with the whites it was graffic and i got a long sock and put two soaps in it i was on the top tear i was traped wen it went down i started to swing that sock i got one in the head his face turned red right where i hit him he looked down and i swung again i hit him on the back of the neck as it kicked off i seen everyone fighting exept the blacks they got in a ball and the hole top and bottom tear just went off i was trying to get near the homies because i new it would kick off but wasn't shure when the meating between the reps went left field and right then the table blew into a fast motion of swinging fists everyone looked for a fool and was in my room a had to get out their and fight because if you didn't you would get your ass kick by your boys and the rep would follow you everywere you go including the outside so i wasn't a bitch i did what had to be done the goons squad came in first the bazzuca that thows a ruber ball that explode small pelet into the dorm and leave a big ass puple mark about 8 inches wide it hit the white guy in the head pealed his scull back every one ran for cover some were hit and droped to the grown with pain and scramble like in an old flick when word weren't smoken like the film in fast motion the rooms were torn apart gards beet the fuck out of inmates and triple teamed some of the homies and beet the fuck out of any mother fucker they felt like beating after it was done people were full of blood and fucked up mangle faces fist and body parts were all fucked up and blood all over the fucken place.
No orange jump suits. purple what?
with karate kid flip flops you got in your roll if they 12 they 12 and spred them ass checks and coughf, pull back the forskin open your mouth take a role P00797 cali 124517 arizona numbers wak i rather be free.
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