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Why are Surenios so Whitewashed

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When you target another minority, but breakbread with white people thats whitewashed. And thats what surenio's do. They trade and breakbread with the aryan brotherhood, but greenlight asains, blacks and nortenios. Thats whitewashed. In fact if surenio's were blacks they would be called houseniggas. If you haven't already noticed I am a Mexican who knows my true enemy, and thats whites. And if you are down with them are cool with them, then you are them.fucku
When you target another minority, but breakbread with white people thats whitewashed. And thats what surenio's do. They trade and breakbread with the aryan brotherhood, but greenlight asains, blacks and nortenios. Thats whitewashed. In fact if surenio's were blacks they would be called houseniggas. If you haven't already noticed I am a Mexican who knows my true enemy, and thats whites. And if you are down with them are cool with them, then you are them.fucku

Thats all your narrow minded ass can say Leyva.[violent]

You accept the opportunities the white Government gives you.

Right, 'Soilder'?

How much they pay you at the end? 45 thousand? 50?

Where are you living right now? If you say the united states, I suggest you shut the fuck up, moron.
When you target another minority, but breakbread with white people thats whitewashed. And thats what surenio's do. They trade and breakbread with the aryan brotherhood, but greenlight asains, blacks and nortenios. Thats whitewashed. In fact if surenio's were blacks they would be called houseniggas. If you haven't already noticed I am a Mexican who knows my true enemy, and thats whites. And if you are down with them are cool with them, then you are them.fucku

dang, just how far down into the sand is your head buried???
You accept the opportunities the white Government gives you.

Right, 'Soilder'?

How much they pay you at the end? 45 thousand? 50?

Where are you living right now? If you say the united states, I suggest you shut the fuck up, moron.
First of bitch I wasn't a soldier. A Marine you cock sucking bisexual surenio. Secondly I'm entitled to a mistake loser. However my mistake didn't involve going to jail to learn about being a man. And yeah I do draw a check now evrey month from Uncle Sam for losing my left eye, but my Mexican ass still gets up evrey morning a 3:30 to reach my holle. So no gavacho goverment gave me no ops. Evreything I got I put in work and earned. And unlike you fucker I do feel bad for the Arabs and minorities I have killed in the name of the whiteman. However you take pride in it you pillow biting jailbird faggot.fucku

Loo at this hypocritical faggot..

What? The Forced You To Go And Kill Innocent People?


Go down and give me a BJ, Soldier!
Me being from the East Coast, I have a problem attacking minorities, but out here in L.A. Surenio's put a green light on blacks and Asians, but trade and are cool with whites and the Aryan Brotherhood. What do they think, they will get cracker points or become white for screwing with other minorities. From what I know its not black or asains trying to deport my Latino people. I know for a fact white people hate us as much as they do blacks or any other race. Probably even more because we are deeper and have are own language. Before I would ever align myself with white over another minority I would rather die. So until you Surenios show me anything different you are a bunch white cock suckers to me.
man u almost sound convincin at first..

First of bitch I wasn't a soldier. A Marine you cock sucking bisexual surenio. Secondly I'm entitled to a mistake loser. However my mistake didn't involve going to jail to learn about being a man. And yeah I do draw a check now evrey month from Uncle Sam for losing my left eye, but my Mexican ass still gets up evrey morning a 3:30 to reach my holle. So no gavacho goverment gave me no ops. Evreything I got I put in work and earned. And unlike you fucker I do feel bad for the Arabs and minorities I have killed in the name of the whiteman. However you take pride in it you pillow biting jailbird faggot.fucku
til i came across this jibberish....wtf? why were you in the marines if you hate white government so much?

Loo at this hypocritical faggot..

What? The Forced You To Go And Kill Innocent People?


Go down and give me a BJ, Soldier!
Sorry you cum gargling bisexual surenio but I aint going to fulfill your fantasy. I don't do the faggot thing like yourself. Yeah I killed but thats on me. But at least I didn't have to shove no shit up my ass because some 5'6 120lb bisexual veterano told me I had to. So what the fuck you want, but unlike you I put in work and bodies for this country so I can say what the fuck I want. You however o the other hand had to go to jail and be taken care of by the state. You weren't man enough to take care of yourself. You are a loser. Before I fucked up and join the corps I probably pumped more shit on the streets out East then your whole lame ass Surenio cliqua, and never served a day or seen a juda. Why is that because I wasn't a loser or had gay tendancies like your Surenio self. In fact my abuelita still stays in the same house that I but when Iwas hustling. I bet you still probaly live in your parents garage with your family.fucku
man u almost sound convincin at first..

til i came across this jibberish....wtf? why were you in the marines if you hate white government so much?
Because I was young and dumb. And just like any hard working Mexican I wanted to earn my citizenship back then. Now if any cracker ever tells me go back to my own country I can tell their gavacho ass I put in work and bodies for this country, so eat a dick.[violent]
Sorry you cum gargling bisexual surenio but I aint going to fulfill your fantasy. I don't do the faggot thing like yourself. Yeah I killed but thats on me. But at least I didn't have to shove no shit up my ass because some 5'6 120lb bisexual veterano told me I had to. So what the fuck you want, but unlike you I put in work and bodies for this country so I can say what the fuck I want. You however o the other hand had to go to jail and be taken care of by the state. You weren't man enough to take care of yourself. You are a loser. Before I fucked up and join the corps I probably pumped more shit on the streets out East then your whole lame ass Surenio cliqua, and never served a day or seen a juda. Why is that because I wasn't a loser or had gay tendancies like your Surenio self. In fact my abuelita still stays in the same house that I but when Iwas hustling. I bet you still probaly live in your parents garage with your family.fucku


man, I didn't even waste time reading it, you fucking lame..

You can't comprehend.

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