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mexicans are the new

Dark Mexican

Legendary Poster
Mexicans are America's new Niggers

Before black people gained the same legal status as whites they were treated as second class scum. They lived among us and although they weren't officially slaves they did all the dirty work of society and were taken advantage of because of their unequal social status that was related to the color of their skin.

But now we have a new class of nigger, illegal aliens. This time it's not about the color of their skin but the geographical location where they were born. If you were born on one side of a line on a map you have different rights that if you were born on the other side. So we use them as slaves just like we used to use black people. But I don't think there any difference between color based slavery and geography based slavery. It's the same thing.

So it pisses me off when fuckers like Lou Dobbs of CNN is on the air for an hour every single fucking day spreading CNN's message that we need to hate these evil people just because of the location where they were born. It is the same as if CNN had existed in the 1950s and were ranting about the niggers wanting the same rights as white people.

So I ask, what did Lou Dobbs do to earn hist citizenship in America? Did he take a test? Did he go through some sort of long and expensive process that let him EARN his citizenship? No! He didn't do one fucking thing!
So - let's be fair about this. Let's make being a citizen the same for everyone. Let's have everyone take the same test. So if you can't find Washington DC on a map then you get deported regardless of where you were born.

Treating people like slaves just because of the location where they were born is as wrong as treating people like slaves because of the color of their skin. It was wrong to do it to blacks and it is wrong to do it to Mexicans.

Test- what you tal'n 'bout? ALL babies born in America are automatically US citizens even if their parents are illegal aliens. I THINK we are the only place in the world that has such a generous rule.
Great post shifty.
I have used this term before with a few friends and they agree. We are the new niggers. But lets not get too ahead of ourselves. Blacks in America still have a long way to go. They are far from equality. Discrimination is prevalent in America but it has a much better mask than it ever has. Our prisons are still full of Blacks and Chicanos. The war on drugs is really just a war on the Brown and dark Brown of our society. The next step for gringos is to pit Blacks and Chicanos against each other and it is already happening.
Great post shifty.
I have used this term before with a few friends and they agree. We are the new niggers. But lets not get too ahead of ourselves. Blacks in America still have a long way to go. They are far from equality. Discrimination is prevalent in America but it has a much better mask than it ever has. Our prisons are still full of Blacks and Chicanos. The war on drugs is really just a war on the Brown and dark Brown of our society. The next step for gringos is to pit Blacks and Chicanos against each other and it is already happening.

Yeah I know what you mean just yesterday some cracka mothaf#cker broke into my apartment and put a crack pipe in my mouth and lit it. Then he put a gun in my hand and aimed it at a kid and he pulled the trigger.
You are the one whining like a b!tch. White man wah wah. Shut the f*ck up already, be a man and stop blaming everyone else for your failures.
There's still a long way to go period. he's right. if you think nobody sees your color when you're going for a job you're wrong man. that doesn't mean you still shouldn't apply.
Lets be clear here. I am not whining, only issuing warnings to the gringo public. They should change their ways before there are serious consequences. If you think terrorism is scary now, just piss off more Chicanos and we will make 911 look like a Sunday picnic.
interesting, when my people first came to europe we were automatically dumped with the blacks, they call us black also we get called nigger, coons, gollywog, it seems nigger is a universal term to offend anyone that aint white.
Lets be clear here. I am not whining, only issuing warnings to the gringo public. They should change their ways before there are serious consequences. If you think terrorism is scary now, just piss off more Chicanos and we will make 911 look like a Sunday picnic.

This is very interesting. I'm sure that Godrigez poses about as much threat as a five year old with a sling shot. However, he is clearly unstable. Maybe some others might be interested in learning of his warnings. Maybe we should drop them a line.


I have to wonder: what types of changes need to be made in order to avoid these "serious consequences"?
Great post shifty.
I have used this term before with a few friends and they agree. We are the new niggers. But lets not get too ahead of ourselves. Blacks in America still have a long way to go. They are far from equality. Discrimination is prevalent in America but it has a much better mask than it ever has. Our prisons are still full of Blacks and Chicanos. The war on drugs is really just a war on the Brown and dark Brown of our society. The next step for gringos is to pit Blacks and Chicanos against each other and it is already happening.

Our prisons are still full of Blacks and Chicanos.
Interesting....why is this the case? Could it be....hmmm....lets see here.......because they have committed crimes??

The war on drugs is really just a war on the Brown and dark Brown of our society.
This is some truly amusing stuff here. So I guess no white people are ever arrested for drug offenses?

Hey Godruigez....."My name is Mr. Rourke. Welcome to Fantasy Island!!!!"
I see you created a link so that people could snitch on me to the government. Get in line motherfucker. I already have an FBI file on me. I ain't scared. Maybe I'll see a few of you in Guantanamo. A true patriot questions the government and when necessary, fights against it. Keep on goose stepping to the brainwashing drum of the American government right wing. I bet you would love to censor my views wouldn't you. That is why your are snitching.
Fuckin RATA.
Traitor? When Hitler was bullying the world, the German people kept in line and did what they were told. The brave ones fought and spoke against their government. I am one of the brave. I go against the government propaganda.
This government is wrong and is controlled by the "Military Industrial Complex". Google it and tell me if we haven't been warned about what is happening now.
I am far from a traitor. I am a true patriot.
America is for the FREE and the BRAVE. Not the weak and subservient.
We need a mexican Al Sharpton or Rev. Jesse Jackjson. Is there a mexican with the same amount of national recognition? Mexican americans,puerto ricans, etc. face the same amount of bigotry,disccrimination,stereotyping as blacks. How many times have you seen these black activists on national news shows fighting for black equality demanding policies be changed or to demand that social programs be started to benefit blacks?
When is the last time you saw a mexican american doing the same?

The answer is probably 30 years ago.That is why you can tune into any tv or talk radio station and hear commentary that is not only degrading but also slanted to depict all Mexicans in the worst possible way.I don't know about you but I find it downright racist when Oriely on fox news refers to illegal aliens on national tv as wetbacks.I could go on and on about the way mexican people are potrayed

What positive role models on tv or in the movies are Mexican? None.Does a Mexican complain? No. Back to we need a nationally known Mexican activist to fight for change.During the immigration reform we did not have one single spokesman to articulate the real desires and dreams of the illegal alien.How sad.

I almost believe that Mexican Americans have become invisible in America.When it comes to opportunity or advancement.Am I demanding the same things that blacks fought for? yes I am.Mexican American or illegal immgrant we all buy american goods from food to cars and homes we rent property.So why aren't we represented in the ads of all the producers of the items we purchase.The only thing I hear about in a positive manner regarding latins is our voting power.Yet we seem to get absoloutely nothing for our vote.

So my question is who will be our natioally known spokesman?What is his/her name .Who do rally behind.if we don't do something like this we will have no no one but ourselves to blame .We have to be stop being so passive. we need to organize and fight,fight.
how many white subscribers does youdontspeakforme have.are there anglos and latins discussing how awful immigration is now. Do you tell each other how great it was in the past when it was almost exclusively europeans coming to the U.S. Are you proud that you oppose latin immigration ?Does it make you feel patriotic?or do you feel tha the main reason you were put on this earth was to keep all latins trying to immigrate out of the U.S or are all of you just a bunch of tios trying to impress your white friends for acceptance.I don't care what latin American country your ancestry originated we all have brothers and sister trying to make it too.If you ever visit your country of origin and you really feel so strongly about illegal immigration, make sure you tell all you visit there about how you feel.For someone to act the way you people do one would think that all latins have it great in the U.S.You all must be big shot latins in America so big that you for got about your peoples strugles.I love all races I especially love my race I was born in the U.S but i would still rather die than oppose any latin .What are you blinded by? what world do you live in? Tell ME. I want to make sure I never ever go there
Traitor? When Hitler was bullying the world, the German people kept in line and did what they were told. The brave ones fought and spoke against their government. I am one of the brave. I go against the government propaganda.
This government is wrong and is controlled by the "Military Industrial Complex". Google it and tell me if we haven't been warned about what is happening now.
I am far from a traitor. I am a true patriot.
America is for the FREE and the BRAVE. Not the weak and subservient.

DAMN word up
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