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mexicans are the new

how many white subscribers does youdontspeakforme have.are there anglos and latins discussing how awful immigration is now. Do you tell each other how great it was in the past when it was almost exclusively europeans coming to the U.S. Are you proud that you oppose latin immigration ?Does it make you feel patriotic?or do you feel tha the main reason you were put on this earth was to keep all latins trying to immigrate out of the U.S or are all of you just a bunch of tios trying to impress your white friends for acceptance.I don't care what latin American country your ancestry originated we all have brothers and sister trying to make it too.If you ever visit your country of origin and you really feel so strongly about illegal immigration, make sure you tell all you visit there about how you feel.For someone to act the way you people do one would think that all latins have it great in the U.S.You all must be big shot latins in America so big that you for got about your peoples strugles.I love all races I especially love my race I was born in the U.S but i would still rather die than oppose any latin .What are you blinded by? what world do you live in? Tell ME. I want to make sure I never ever go there

your not reading what I'm writing. I'm not againt ANYONE who immigrates LEGALLY, I'm against ANYONE WHO IMMIGRATES ILLEGALLY and much of my frustration on the matter sits with our government. They are not doing their job- protecting us.
Seems like you folks just want to eliminate the borders- you can't have just anyone coming into your country- can't you understand that?

?You wanna know about don'tspeakforme.org .... go check it out for yourself- draw your own conclusions.
What a laugh. "Dont speak for me.org is a joke. Bunch of fuckin Vendidos who don't know our history. The board of directors only has one Chicano and that old motherfucker Has sellout written all over his background. Any Chicano who doesn't want to see more of us here is a fucking moron. More people means more clout. Don't you get that? That is why the gringo is panicking. Hence the term " HISpanic". They panic because they see us taking over slowly but surely. Gringos call wetback children born on American soil "anchor babies". I call them future AMERICAN leaders.
U turned me this way fuckin rednecks

once upon a time there were three little Mexicans that love to eat stake and pattaters.all of a sudden a big bad werewolf thought he would take the stake and pattaters away from the one little mexican boy.he kicked and fought back as hard is he could,mother fuckin werewolf bit him and blood came gushing down his prostate.he seeks revenge as we speak.
once upon a time there were three little Mexicans that love to eat stake and pattaters.all of a sudden a big bad werewolf thought he would take the stake and pattaters away from the one little mexican boy.he kicked and fought back as hard is he could,mother fuckin werewolf bit him and blood came gushing down his prostate.he seeks revenge as we speak.
Wetback Werwolf let me put my foreskin over your head like a beany.
your not reading what I'm writing. I'm not againt ANYONE who immigrates LEGALLY, I'm against ANYONE WHO IMMIGRATES ILLEGALLY and much of my frustration on the matter sits with our government. They are not doing their job- protecting us.
Seems like you folks just want to eliminate the borders- you can't have just anyone coming into your country- can't you understand that?

?You wanna know about don'tspeakforme.org .... go check it out for yourself- draw your own conclusions.
don'tspeakforme.org does not speak for me!!!!Anglo-Americans are the illegals here!! So you either shape up or ship out.
What a laugh. "Dont speak for me.org is a joke. Bunch of fuckin Vendidos who don't know our history. The board of directors only has one Chicano and that old motherfucker Has sellout written all over his background. Any Chicano who doesn't want to see more of us here is a fucking moron. More people means more clout. Don't you get that? That is why the gringo is panicking. Hence the term " HISpanic". They panic because they see us taking over slowly but surely. Gringos call wetback children born on American soil "anchor babies". I call them future AMERICAN leaders.

your name calling = zzz...

but anyways maybe one day you will get your wish and the USA will become apart of Mexico. But here's my question, if that happens where will you flee to for a better life? Canada? lol careful what you wish for!
I have never fled. My familia has been here for hundreds if not thousands of years. I ain't goin nowhere fool. Your family fled Scotland. Bunch of cowards.
We need a mexican Al Sharpton or Rev. Jesse Jackjson. Is there a mexican with the same amount of national recognition? Mexican americans,puerto ricans, etc. face the same amount of bigotry,disccrimination,stereotyping as blacks. How many times have you seen these black activists on national news shows fighting for black equality demanding policies be changed or to demand that social programs be started to benefit blacks?
When is the last time you saw a mexican american doing the same?

The answer is probably 30 years ago.That is why you can tune into any tv or talk radio station and hear commentary that is not only degrading but also slanted to depict all Mexicans in the worst possible way.I don't know about you but I find it downright racist when Oriely on fox news refers to illegal aliens on national tv as wetbacks.I could go on and on about the way mexican people are potrayed

What positive role models on tv or in the movies are Mexican? None.Does a Mexican complain? No. Back to we need a nationally known Mexican activist to fight for change.During the immigration reform we did not have one single spokesman to articulate the real desires and dreams of the illegal alien.How sad.

I almost believe that Mexican Americans have become invisible in America.When it comes to opportunity or advancement.Am I demanding the same things that blacks fought for? yes I am.Mexican American or illegal immgrant we all buy american goods from food to cars and homes we rent property.So why aren't we represented in the ads of all the producers of the items we purchase.The only thing I hear about in a positive manner regarding latins is our voting power.Yet we seem to get absoloutely nothing for our vote.

So my question is who will be our natioally known spokesman?What is his/her name .Who do rally behind.if we don't do something like this we will have no no one but ourselves to blame .We have to be stop being so passive. we need to organize and fight,fight.

The powers that be would do everything they can to keep that from happening. If one does emerge those same powers will keep them divided. Amerika's nightmare is when the minorities get together in unity.

"Henry, get the shotgun!" :eek:
The powers that be would do everything they can to keep that from happening. If one does emerge those same powers will keep them divided. Amerika's nightmare is when the minorities get together in unity.

"Henry, get the shotgun!" :eek:
Mi gente unida nunca sera vencida
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