Legendary Poster
how many white subscribers does youdontspeakforme have.are there anglos and latins discussing how awful immigration is now. Do you tell each other how great it was in the past when it was almost exclusively europeans coming to the U.S. Are you proud that you oppose latin immigration ?Does it make you feel patriotic?or do you feel tha the main reason you were put on this earth was to keep all latins trying to immigrate out of the U.S or are all of you just a bunch of tios trying to impress your white friends for acceptance.I don't care what latin American country your ancestry originated we all have brothers and sister trying to make it too.If you ever visit your country of origin and you really feel so strongly about illegal immigration, make sure you tell all you visit there about how you feel.For someone to act the way you people do one would think that all latins have it great in the U.S.You all must be big shot latins in America so big that you for got about your peoples strugles.I love all races I especially love my race I was born in the U.S but i would still rather die than oppose any latin .What are you blinded by? what world do you live in? Tell ME. I want to make sure I never ever go there
your not reading what I'm writing. I'm not againt ANYONE who immigrates LEGALLY, I'm against ANYONE WHO IMMIGRATES ILLEGALLY and much of my frustration on the matter sits with our government. They are not doing their job- protecting us.
Seems like you folks just want to eliminate the borders- you can't have just anyone coming into your country- can't you understand that?
?You wanna know about don' .... go check it out for yourself- draw your own conclusions.