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About Freedom

B.Guy with all due respect I think you are generalizing. I think for the most part nobody believes that "freedom" means a free ride. I think for the most part there are good people that bust their ass to make a decent living yet with the economy as bad is it is it is difficult to stay above water sometimes.
I understand what you are saying yet my reaction could not be more different than yours. I have always worked to get where I am, I have paid for my education yet I feel that there are those who need a little help. What is so wrong with helping others get ahead so they can begin to contribute to society? Are we as a "wealthy nation" supposed to turn away people simply because life has not been so kind to them for whatever circumstance? I do not judge as harshly as you, who am I to judge someone who needs extra help? I do not know their circumstances, what obstacles they have faced in their life? My father has a saying that goes a little like this "When in a position of power it is your duty to extend your hand to your neighbor because today it is him but tommorow this could be you" Not one person in this world can fortell there future I hope that you never have to go through a life altering experience where you find yourself as one of these people that may need "help" and god forbid you ask somebody that shares the views you are displaying here today.

I never said before that we shouldn't help each other.

What I am saying exactly is that no one should force anyone else to help another.

If one man has a million and a million people only have one the million people don't have any right to a single cent of the millionaires money.

Yet i know you would vote for someone who would force the successful to give up as much as possible to the unsuccessful.

Would you ever vote for freedom of choice? Shouldn't it be up to the millionair, and not the people, weather he wants to help them out or not? If you say no what do you call this?
karma doesnt attack at groups.....

But it attacks families then right? Like me or my future children as you already said?

According to your theory aren't the people of Briton a group of people who are all paying for it by karma by going into lock down mode?
But it attacks families then right? Like me or my future children as you already said?

According to your theory aren't the people of Briton a group of people who are all paying for it by karma by going into lock down mode?

they havent paid for shit...they are on lock down cuz they are scared becuase a bunch of "ragheads" are mad
they havent paid for shit...they are on lock down cuz they are scared becuase a bunch of "ragheads" are mad

When you are on lock down you pay for it by freedom. Hence the word LOCK down.

Tony, its their religion man. Its fucked up and it will fucked up the world if we let it. We can't be paying for it by giving up our freedom.
I never said before that we shouldn't help each other.

What I am saying exactly is that no one should force anyone else to help another.

If one man has a million and a million people only have one the million people don't have any right to a single cent of the millionaires money.

Yet i know you would vote for someone who would force the successful to give up as much as possible to the unsuccessful.

Would you ever vote for freedom of choice? Shouldn't it be up to the millionair, and not the people, weather he wants to help them out or not? If you say no what do you call this?
I have personal reasons for not wanting Ron P. in office and if I were you, being Mexican I would take the initiave to cruise a little through stormfront to see a little about the hidden agenda. And I vote for anybody who is willing to help EVERYONE....and makes sure that the wealthy aren't the only ones who prosper as the middle class slips further into being "The working poor" which is ridiculous! I am voting for someone who has the best interest of everyone in mind not just another puppet who can be manipulated into keeping big Co. "Big Co." as we all are made to struggle for the crumbs that are left. I do believe in freedom of choice, I am explaining it to you right now when I explain my choice for office.:)
I have personal reasons for not wanting Ron P. in office and if I were you, being Mexican I would take the initiave to cruise a little through stormfront to see a little about the hidden agenda. And I vote for anybody who is willing to help EVERYONE....and makes sure that the wealthy aren't the only ones who prosper as the middle class slips further into being "The working poor" which is ridiculous! I am voting for someone who has the best interest of everyone in mind not just another puppet who can be manipulated into keeping big Co. "Big Co." as we all are made to struggle for the crumbs that are left. I do believe in freedom of choice, I am explaining it to you right now when I explain my choice for office.:)

You are going to vote for someone who is going to force others to help others simply put. Sorry but That goes against freedom.

Unless you live like an indian then Everything you own, and all the food you eat and the job you have and even the cloths on your make is made possible by Big Corps.
Ill check out stromfront again tommorrow.

But just because stromfronters like cheese cakes doesn't make cheese cakes evil. Same thing goes for Ron Paul.
You are going to vote for someone who is going to force others to help others simply put. Sorry but That goes against freedom.

Unless you live like an indian then Everything you own, and all the food you eat and the job you have and even the cloths on your make is made possible by Big Corps.
You missed the point entirely. I am not going to vote for someone that has a specific class in mind and makes decisions that are biased due to these special "interests" that is not freedom, how can you say it is? I want somebody who represents the common person and has everybody's interests in mind, that is the only way we are going to get out of this mess!
Ill check out stromfront again tommorrow.

But just because stromfronters like cheese cakes doesn't make cheese cakes evil. Same thing goes for Ron Paul.
lol.. That was funny, and I am being honest not sarcastic. Do me a favor, join, tell them what and who you are I am curious to see what you find there
lol.. That was funny, and I am being honest not sarcastic. Do me a favor, join, tell them what and who you are I am curious to see what you find there

I wonder if there are any whitepride sites that lets any other race post as we let them post here. I think there are.
crax knuckles... ok here weeee go0000!!! xD
One of the biggest misconpetions people have abotu freedom is they think everything is suppose to be free.

Many people think that having freedom or living in a free society means you are free to have a free education, health care, food, shelther, and the freedom to pick however much you want to pay for gas and you are free to get payed a high wage job no matter what you do. And lastly they think having freedom means you are free not to be poor and live in proverty.

But if this things oaught to be free who is goign to pay for them in the first place? Who do we enslave and who do we force to pay for this things? Can't everyone just pay for their own stuff?

Does freedom to you mean you get a free ride in life?
wow!!! i have never EVER heard of anything like this!! if ppl out there actually think this.. its no wonder were fucked as a whole!!! ive ran many ideas through my head ...but this... my mind never sank that low!!!! wow!!!!

I'll pretend your not acting stupid and Ill go ahead and take you serious.

I am talking about those people who don't believe in capitalism. You know the idea of free trade? The idea that people are free to sell, and buy however much or however little they want and to whoever they want and are free to have however much or little property they want. Do you believe in that sort of freedom? Do you believe humans should have leashes on them? A leash is jus a noose at both ends you know.

In this system no ones forces anyone to do anything,everything is done on a voluteery bases.

I honestly hope you don't go back to acting stupid like a lot of people here do. But if you do I won't be surpise for that's the standard which I hold a lot of people here at. So go ahead and don't surpise me.
the system is compulsory... by default!

i bet you didn't protest the patriot act.
lol xD!!!! JP outta left field!!!! FUN-e!!!![lmao]

i always think Budguy is drunk or always high when he post
the bud part in his name always phucked me up, images of him stoned of his ass writing some nonsense online. (not sayin u do,but the bud part of ur name brings those images to mind xD!!!)

around and around we go.

Fast fact:the migrant exodus is unstoppable.there is nothing you can say or do to stop them from coming here.they have made the u.s. there homeland regardless of what you think.

USA = sanctuary country!!! xD!!!!:]

You are going to vote for someone who is going to force others to help others simply put. Sorry but That goes against freedom.

Unless you live like an indian then Everything you own, and all the food you eat and the job you have and even the cloths on your make is made possible by Big Corps.
it would be cool if we could keep business and politics separate, unfortunately the game is not played that way.

Ill check out stromfront again tommorrow.

But just because stromfronters like cheese cakes doesn't make cheese cakes evil. Same thing goes for Ron Paul.
whitecivilrights dot com

You missed the point entirely. I am not going to vote for someone that has a specific class in mind and makes decisions that are biased due to these special "interests" that is not freedom, how can you say it is? I want somebody who represents the common person and has everybody's interests in mind, that is the only way we are going to get out of this mess!
i believe voting is a joke, an illusion for the "common" person and that govt is a legal way for the corps to suck u dry.

bLAzE -0uT:cool:
crax knuckles... ok here weeee go0000!!! xD
wow!!! i have never EVER heard of anything like this!! if ppl out there actually think this.. its no wonder were fucked as a whole!!! ive ran many ideas through my head ...but this... my mind never sank that low!!!! wow!!!!

the system is compulsory... by default!

lol xD!!!! JP outta left field!!!! FUN-e!!!![lmao]

the bud part in his name always phucked me up, images of him stoned of his ass writing some nonsense online. (not sayin u do,but the bud part of ur name brings those images to mind xD!!!)

USA = sanctuary country!!! xD!!!!:]

it would be cool if we could keep business and politics separate, unfortunately the game is not played that way.

whitecivilrights dot com

i believe voting is a joke, an illusion for the "common" person and that govt is a legal way for the corps to suck u dry.

bLAzE -0uT:cool:
Well there you go freedom at it's best, thanks for your opinion:rolleyes:
So what do you think Dark Angel. Does almost everything you own, is all that stuff made possible by corporations?

In the past when there was no corporations, did things use to be better?

Big corporations have mainly existed in the last 100 years. Have things gotten better since they existed? Are Countries that have less corporations like africa and such, do the people there have better lives?
So what do you think Dark Angel. Does almost everything you own, is all that stuff made possible by corporations?

In the past when there was no corporations, did things use to be better?

Big corporations have mainly existed in the last 100 years. Have things gotten better since they existed? Are Countries that have less corporations like africa and such, do the people there have better lives?
I am not saying that they are all evil, I am saying I would like someone to represnt everyone as a whole, ya know?
And if I was you I would understand. You have stated that you are a business owner along with your family so naturally you are going to go the way that protects your interests. For example, my uncle owned his own business for many years and he shared your particular views. Well too make a long story short, he went bankrupt and had to go work for someone else about 6 years ago, well with this change his political views changed as well, he was on the other side now. It all depends were you are at.
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