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About Freedom

youre free when you leave this earth...
until then....someone owns someone or pays something... the circle of uselessness....
Big corporations have mainly existed in the last 100 years. Have things gotten better since they existed? Are Countries that have less corporations like africa and such, do the people there have better lives?
the magna carta was the birth of the corp.
(from sources ive come across, may have been earlier, but im not sure.) and the 14th amendment... which gave the corp, a soul!

a few months back.. the black security dude @ the k-mart down the street from where i live told me..." u ever seen lady justice??" and im like yea... then he says.. "u kno how shes blind folded and has a scale?..." im like yea ...then he goes on to say "shes blind folded because she doesn't give a shit about the evidence but only weighs the larger amount of money." i was like xD LOL!!!

in recent years this country has witnessed how justice is for sale, and many would argue that corps have higher protection under the law. xD



On June 3, 1621, it was granted a charter for a trade monopoly in the West Indies (meaning the Caribbean) by the Republic of the Seven United Netherlands and given jurisdiction over the African slave trade, Brazil, the Caribbean, and North America.

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They seem to have soo much protection because they grease the wheels of the economy..
and.....it would be hard to bring the hammer down on a faceless corporation..with numerous "heads"...

justice isnt for sale...
its been sold....
1.They seem to have soo much protection because they grease the wheels of the economy..
and.....it would be hard to bring the hammer down on a faceless corporation..with numerous "heads"...

2.justice isnt for sale...
its been sold....
1a. vioxx payouts compared to profits... stunning!!!
1b.or maybe... since the corps have the money...way more than the individual, thers some back room dealing? no i dont think so , its just me, im thinking of some crazy conspiracy.xD!!
1c.(revolving door)
2 well said my friend!!

bLAzE-0uT :cool:
youre free when you leave this earth...
until then....someone owns someone or pays something... the circle of uselessness....

1a. vioxx payouts compared to profits... stunning!!!
1b.or maybe... since the corps have the money...way more than the individual, thers some back room dealing? no i dont think so , its just me, im thinking of some crazy conspiracy.xD!!
1c.(revolving door)
2 well said my friend!!

bLAzE-0uT :cool:
This pic was so unecassary, lmao!
"if you were given freedom by the same people who made you into a slave, then do you really know what freedom is and have you ever experienced it at all?" Immortal Technique

that's Q we really need to ask ourselves..

Doe: please tell us who it was that made YOU into a slave.

After you answer that maybe you can ask yourself the above question that you mentioned.
I'll pretend your not acting stupid and Ill go ahead and take you serious.
You're the one talking about people who supposedly think "everything is supposed to be free." Take a break from pretending, genius , and say exactly who these people are. But you wont, because you're not pretending to be a stupid individual who habitually overstates his case. Communists or socialists don't think "everything is supposed to be free," you sub-moronic ding-bat.
I honestly hope you don't go back to acting stupid like a lot of people here do.
Look idiot, you think that it's ok to call a person of Middle Eastern descent a "rag head" for high-jacking a plane; I think it's ok to call an idiot with a unwarranted high level of self-esteem a fool for writing the most idiotic things he cannot even begin to back-up. So stop whining.

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You're the one talking about people who supposedly think "everything is supposed to be free." Take a break from pretending, genius , and say exactly who these people are. But you wont, because you're not pretending to be a stupid individual who habitually overstates his case. Communists or socialists don't think "everything is supposed to be free," you sub-moronic ding-bat.
Look idiot, you think that it's ok to call a person of Middle Eastern descent a "rag head" for high-jacking a plane; I think it's ok to call an idiot with a unwarranted high level self-esteem a fool for writing the most idiotic things he cannot even begin to back-up.

Anyone who believes poor people are entitle to welfare in a free society. Anyone who thinks the rich should pay more taxes. Do you believe poor people are entitle to such things or to anythign at all? Do you think the rich should pay for the poor? There's your answer.

You don't think its ok to call a bad person a bad name?

I've already lost count on how many questions you avoided answering.
youre free when you leave this earth...
until then....someone owns someone or pays something... the circle of uselessness....

I would argue that to experience the highest level of freedom you will have to be an all powerful, all knowing, God who is not bound to the physical laws of our universe.

Are you free to control time and go anywhere in time? Are you free to go anywhere in the Universe and do anything? Are you free from gravity?

There's your highest level of freedom.

Death is the lowest level of freedom. After death I believe that you cease to exist and therefore can not do anything.

But if you believe death is a way to freedom thats your problem. Hmm I understand your name now.
the magna carta was the birth of the corp.
(from sources ive come across, may have been earlier, but im not sure.) and the 14th amendment... which gave the corp, a soul!

a few months back.. the black security dude @ the k-mart down the street from where i live told me..." u ever seen lady justice??" and im like yea... then he says.. "u kno how shes blind folded and has a scale?..." im like yea ...then he goes on to say "shes blind folded because she doesn't give a shit about the evidence but only weighs the larger amount of money." i was like xD LOL!!!

in recent years this country has witnessed how justice is for sale, and many would argue that corps have higher protection under the law. xD


On June 3, 1621, it was granted a charter for a trade monopoly in the West Indies (meaning the Caribbean) by the Republic of the Seven United Netherlands and given jurisdiction over the African slave trade, Brazil, the Caribbean, and North America.


So tell me blaze, are corporations evil? Should we outlaw all corporations? Should we put powerful people on leashes?
I've already lost count on how many questions you avoided answering.
Your toes should provide a little more help for you.
No thanks required, genius.
Anyone who believes poor people are entitle to welfare in a free society. Anyone who thinks the rich should pay more taxes. Do you believe poor people are entitle to such things or to anythign at all? Do you think the rich should pay for the poor? There's your answer.
WTF You said there were people who think everything is supposed to be free. Who exactly are these people you are babbling about? I don't think you're avoiding the question as much as you're too stupid to understand that you've grossly overstated your case.
You don't think its ok to call a bad person a bad name?
Oh gad, you've backed me into a corner. I guess I had better answer your thought-provoking question before you do anymore damage to my online rep.

I think it's ok to call anyone a "bad name." Obviously, that includes a "bad person."And that also include extremely self-confident idiots. Hence, my name-calling of you.
1.I would argue that to experience the highest level of freedom you will have to be an all powerful, all knowing, God who is not bound to the physical laws of our universe.

Are you free to control time and go anywhere in time? Are you free to go anywhere in the Universe and do anything? Are you free from gravity?

There's your highest level of freedom.

2.Death is the lowest level of freedom. After death I believe that you cease to exist and therefore can not do anything.

But if you believe death is a way to freedom thats your problem. Hmm I understand your name now.

3.So tell me blaze, are corporations evil? 4.Should we outlaw all corporations? 5.Should we put powerful people on leashes?

(sorry 4 typos i was ina hurry!!!)

1. i couldnt have said it better!!!
2. good stuff!! i believe the spirit lives on and/or reincarnates, so while the physical freedom is zero, spiritual freedom is "all knowing, present and powerful"
3.corporations like everything else are neutral, just like a gun is , however i can use that gun to kill some1 or for hobby. im barely cracking the books on this issue but from what ive read so far, it seems that corporations create a barrier between the operators of the corp and the everyday world. what i mean by this is that they have a legal barrier around them, while the average individual is exposed. of course when people realize this, they say, "shit .. i should start up my own corp!!!" "its a fictional entity," as many researchers have stated, however its effects are real in the physical world. so while a corp on its own is neutral i still ask why cant the man just do business as a man and not have to disguise itself within a corp? well theres a lot of financial incentives to establish a corp, and the reasons for this is because the laws have allowed for this, but then we go back to who came up with the laws to begin with? the same ppl that depend on the ignorance of the common person. its easy to call a smoker stupid, however if big tobacco wasnt releasing the true facts about their products, how can anyone make an informed decision? same with the trans fat, up until recently it was unheard of and concealed (still is in many products and restaurants) but now we finally have it on the packaging of foods. its easy to make fun of that fat kid and tell him to stop eating twinkies but without critical information how can anyone make informed decisions? a corp is neutral, with the modifications they have accrued over the years, its tilting more on the harmful side, for example u have stated in the past that companies like cheap illegal alien labor. i dont like ppl picking on the illegals when its a 50/50 thing, the employers are just as guilty. there are favorable corps out there and i admire their ethics and business practices, ill quote a famous marketer dude that had an article in ad busters a few months back, he said something like " the free market is free of conscience." more than ever we see the "revolving door" with government and the private sector, just look at rumsfeld and nutrasweet, and the many ppl involved in that scandal.
4.corporations do need a tune-up however i wouldnt mind doing business with a man, instead of a "face-less " corp as sickminded stated.
5. now youve hit the heart of the matter. the natural pecking order amongst humans, the strong and powerful will be at the top. and *many* times ethics get thrown out the window and corruption arises. this is not a fault with the system (although its tilted towards the harmful side IMO) but in the hearts of men ( which the tilt influences.)

You said there were people who think everything is supposed to be free. Who exactly are these people you are babbling about? I don't think you're avoiding the question as much as you're too stupid to understand that you've grossly overstated your case...

I guess I wrote the sentence wrong when I wrote 'everything'. OK I did not mean everything then so there.

Oh gad, you've backed me into a corner. I guess I had better answer your thought-provoking question before you do anymore damage to my online rep..

Was that so hard to admit? Sorry for me being concern about you getting mad for me calling the 9/11 hijackers ragheads.
I guess I wrote the sentence wrong when I wrote 'everything'. OK I did not mean everything then so there.
So, no answer to who these people are, eh?
Not surprising.
Was that so hard to admit? Sorry for me being concern about you getting mad for me calling the 9/11 hijackers ragheads.
It wasn't hard at all, but your questions are often idiotic--it's almost as if they're pretend, and you ask so many of them.

And If you're going to apologize, apologize for overstating your ideas and not supporting them when asked. You took several posts to kind of admit you have no idea what the hell you're talking about. You cant even say exactly who these people you're talking about. I know you're trying to put forward a libertarian type argument, but you're doing a embarrassingly bad job of it. But that what this all about--you get your ideas trashed and maybe you'll hone your arguments.

But there are no groups of people who think everything is supposed to be free, or who even think that somethings (goods or services) are supposed to be free. That's an incredibly absurd statement. And if you cant see that, then good luck trying to get your arguments across to the non-cheerleading online crowd.

I didn't get mad over you calling Middle Easterners "rag heads" (Why is it that you think you can judge my mental state?) I thought it was convenient. It's obvious your not against name-calling, so I knew you'd have no objection when I did it. And I already mentioned that when you asked, so why are you changing the story now?
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