Okay, look idiot..
Unlike you, I take everything into consideration, and I ACKNOWLEDGE EVERYTHING, So if you're gonna come in here and make dumb ass assumptions like, 'You're never gonna make nothing out of your life..' I'm sure as fuck going to prove you wrong, you fucking clown. Now that I told you what I do, you try and back track acting like you don't care? Yet you were bitching and whining cuz I probably 'don't have anything in my life'.. right?
Second of all.. Read.. COMPREHEND.. How can you be in Science and not read and acknowledge shit? I live in TIJUANA.. MEXICO.. I am a RACIST TOWARDS NIGGERS.. Mexico does NOT have AFRICAN AMERICANS Residing here as common as the U.S.. Mexicans don't like BLACKS, they aren't fond of them. So what fucking business am'i going to lose, faggot? What money am'i gonna lose? I can make business online, never know the faggot's a nigger, and as long as he sends that cash to my account, I'm cool. I don't ask for personal info. Take THAT into consideration, you fucking IDIOT.
PS. Not all of us are nigger lovers like you, who grew up around blacks and tried to be like them just cause you were 'dark'.
Get the fuck outta here, you lame wannabe nigger.