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Black and Brown can get-along in the Hoods

but you fuck black women your a disgrace, the worst kind of hypocrite, but im done arguing with you, you have to answer to god when you die, not me. but tell me out of interest, where does a man filled with so much hatred go after he dies? oh ya st8 to hell. i will stick to being open minded in life i mean its only heaven right? lmao
Dark Mexican, I think we killed him off as they would say in a Jamaican sound classh. Now we have to burry the idiot[violent] Respect going out to all concious Latino's and gunshots to all idiots[violent] ie Sordo the batty bwoy[violent]
so one Brownie here hates Whites and wants to be cool only with Blacks and Browns and one Brownie here hates Blacks and wants to be cool only with Whites and Browns.

If a person wants to be racist and hate, that's their choice- but don't expect everyone to follow your line of thinking.
good point truth, i try to be respectful everyone regardless of skin tone, this wor;d dont need anymore hate
You are better than me because I will never acknowledge that cracker you just answered to. To me he is insignificant. Even though Sordo is confused I will acknowledge him. That cracker is just trying to stir our pot, and I think we should all make an effort to ignore him. So from now on all crtackers like TruthBtold are getting the sound bwoy burial from me. Meaning you seace to exist. That was my last acknowledgement to any fool like him.
You are better than me because I will never acknowledge that cracker you just answered to. To me he is insignificant. Even though Sordo is confused I will acknowledge him. That cracker is just trying to stir our pot, and I think we should all make an effort to ignore him. So from now on all crtackers like TruthBtold are getting the sound bwoy burial from me. Meaning you seace to exist. That was my last acknowledgement to any fool like him.

Why do you hate Whites so much? Have they done something to you personally? More than other races?
nigger lovers.
Yes I agree I am a nigger lover, and you are a cracker lover. Iguess we agree to disagree, and even though I hate your views, you are still my Mexican brother, and whether I like it or not I still have to have your back against all others. Especially crackers. I guess the good thing about this forum is we can argue our differences amongst ourselves, but stand united against others. Meaning we don't have to air our dirty laundry out to others. Latino's stand up. Latino's unite:]
Why do you hate Whites so much? Have they done something to you personally? More than other races?
Yep. Evreyday. If it wasn't for my last name, a lot think I am white because I have brownish hair and blue eyes. Well now I only have 1 eye. But I here them talk shit about Latino's and other races evreyday. They say a lot of negative stuff about us. And they say it around me a lot because I look like them, and soon as they find out I'm Mexican their tune changes to well you know what I mean. Or your not like them. And then they start talking shit about blacks in front of me thinking I'm cool with it until they find out 2 of my kids are black. So yeah, I haven't met a white person who has anything nice to say about Latino's until they find out I'm not white.
Why do you hate Whites so much? Have they done something to you personally? More than other races?
And to answer another question, most blacks and other races have shown me love. Yeah I have known some black assholes, but in general they are an accepting people. When I first moved to the U.S. my mom would tellme we lived in black areas because they would accept us and whites wouldn't. I see more Latino's living in black areas than white. Why is that. Because whites say we will bring their property values down with our big families and cars. And that us Mexicans are dirty. No they are dirty, evil and 2 face. Blacks will tell you straight up if they don't like you. At least around theem I know where I stand. And like I have said allmost all I have met have embraced me, mi familia, and me compadres with love.
good point truth, i try to be respectful everyone regardless of skin tone, this wor;d dont need anymore hate

I do too. My father has a problem with Black men because the neighborhood he lived in as a child in Dallas changed from an almost all White neighborhood to an almost all Black neighborhood in a matter of a very few years. They also bussed him further in to a school that was almost all Black and he was a skinny White boy of about 12. He was beaten almost every day and no one did anything about it. He said the teachers were afraid of the Black students. He said they would pick up desks and throw them out of second story windows. Anyway, they finally ganged up and him and beat him so badly that he had a concussion and had to have a metal plate put in his head. They came up and hit him from behind. His family refused to send him back to school until they could move and he didn't have to be bussed anymore.
I do too. My father has a problem with Black men because the neighborhood he lived in as a child in Dallas changed from an almost all White neighborhood to an almost all Black neighborhood in a matter of a very few years. They also bussed him further in to a school that was almost all Black and he was a skinny White boy of about 12. He was beaten almost every day and no one did anything about it. He said the teachers were afraid of the Black students. He said they would pick up desks and throw them out of second story windows. Anyway, they finally ganged up and him and beat him so badly that he had a concussion and had to have a metal plate put in his head. They came up and hit him from behind. His family refused to send him back to school until they could move and he didn't have to be bussed anymore.

well what did he expect 2 happen 2 him? when white boys come from my area they always get checked, especially by asians, its a sad thing but so was slavery.
I do too. My father has a problem with Black men because the neighborhood he lived in as a child in Dallas changed from an almost all White neighborhood to an almost all Black neighborhood in a matter of a very few years. They also bussed him further in to a school that was almost all Black and he was a skinny White boy of about 12. He was beaten almost every day and no one did anything about it. He said the teachers were afraid of the Black students. He said they would pick up desks and throw them out of second story windows. Anyway, they finally ganged up and him and beat him so badly that he had a concussion and had to have a metal plate put in his head. They came up and hit him from behind. His family refused to send him back to school until they could move and he didn't have to be bussed anymore.
Sorry about your dad, but I can tell you millions of stories about what gavacho's have done to Mexicans and blacks. Like my friends tia getting raped by a bunch of whitemen in Texas, and them getting away with it because she was illegal. Like my friend who I grew up with in D.C. getting hit by an old white lady and losing his leg and her getting off with it because she was white. He was only 12 years old. So I know your dad got beat up, but big deal, that shit happens to mine and black people evreyday. Especially Latino's. Why do you think they are so big on illegals now. Because they can't really fuck with the blacks, so being the racist cowards they are they are going after us. The same people that work hard and honest for them and get peso's. Fuck them, and I don't care about them.
And to answer another question, most blacks and other races have shown me love. Yeah I have known some black assholes, but in general they are an accepting people. When I first moved to the U.S. my mom would tellme we lived in black areas because they would accept us and whites wouldn't. I see more Latino's living in black areas than white. Why is that. Because whites say we will bring their property values down with our big families and cars. And that us Mexicans are dirty. No they are dirty, evil and 2 face. Blacks will tell you straight up if they don't like you. At least around theem I know where I stand. And like I have said allmost all I have met have embraced me, mi familia, and me compadres with love.

Maybe it has something to do with where you live and is probably a class thing too. My White Grandparents live in the country on about 14 acres with no zoning restrictions. Their property is nicely landscpaed with a pool and nice flower and vegetable gardens. Around them are a mixture of home types, including Whites who live in trailer houses and have old cars. Occasionally my Grandfather will also have old cars and fix them up. He likes classic cars and often restores them from a "junk-like" state.

Anyway, my husband and I live in a neighborhood of several races. We have a nice, older middle class home. Our neigbors next door are Mexican American and across the street are Puerto Ricans. They are not "trashy" at all. They have middle class jobs, are home owners and want to have a nice neighborhood. I think that many poor people from Mexico have come over in the last couple of decades. People with more money and nicer homes in cities and suburbs don't want poor people in their neighborhoods irregardless of race. For one thing their home is their main investment. It has more to do with class than race. And yes, in my town I know of a number of Black, Mexican America and Asian people who live in very well off or even rich neighborhoods.

From the hatred you have for Whites I would have thought that you or your family was physically harmed by them often or something extreme. I personally have never had extra horrible treatment from one group more than another.
Maybe it has something to do with where you live and is probably a class thing too. My White Grandprents live in the country on about 14 acres with no zoning restrictions. There property is nicely landscpaed with a pool and nice flower and vegetable gardens. Around them are a mixture of home types, including Whites who live in trailer houses and have old cars. Occasionally my Grandfather will also have old cars and fix them up. He likes classic cars and often restores them from a "junk-like" state.

Anyway, my husband and I live in a neighborhood of several races. We have a nice, older middle class home. Our neigbors next door are Mexican American and across the street are Purto Ricans. They are not "trashy" at all. They have middle class jobs, are home owners and want to have a nice neighborhood. I think that many poor people from Mexico have come over in the last couple of decades. People with more money and nicer homes in cities and suburbs don't want poor people in their neighborhoods irregardless of race. For one thing their home is their main investment. It has more to do with class than race. And yes, in my town I know of a number of Black, Mexican America and Asian people who live in very well off or even rich neighborhoods.

From the hatred you have for Whites I would have thought that you or your family was physically harmed by them often or something extreme. I personally have never had extra horrible treatment from one group more than another.
Hell yeah my family has been harmed by crackers. Evreyday. Anytime a Latino is harmed, that is my family and I take it personally. Me I have had crackers try to harm me, but I don't give them the chance. Evreything I do, down to work, school and kicking their ass I do it twice as good as them. My mom taught me young, the only way to achieve in this country is to be twice as goos as a gavacho. And I live by that evreyday. [violent]
parents need to put their foot down, i would never send my child into a environment that is dangerous,...... when i have children with my current girlfriend i refuse to bring them up in america simply because of things like this, its sad.
Sorry about your dad, but I can tell you millions of stories about what gavacho's have done to Mexicans and blacks. Like my friends tia getting raped by a bunch of whitemen in Texas, and them getting away with it because she was illegal. Like my friend who I grew up with in D.C. getting hit by an old white lady and losing his leg and her getting off with it because she was white. He was only 12 years old. So I know your dad got beat up, but big deal, that shit happens to mine and black people evreyday. Especially Latino's. Why do you think they are so big on illegals now. Because they can't really fuck with the blacks, so being the racist cowards they are they are going after us. The same people that work hard and honest for them and get peso's. Fuck them, and I don't care about them.

I'm sure we could both fill up threads with recent crimes of things whites did to blacks and mexicans and things that mexicans and balcks have done to whites. The human species is pretty vile and it's easy to dwell on the negative and to find the negative.
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