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Ameigo Vespucci's voyages became widely known in europe after two accounts attributed to him were published between 1502 and 1507 Martin Walseemuller produced a world map on which he named the new continent "America" after Vespucci's first name, Amerigo.
They are probably related to him lmao!
Camba Loko what the fuck are you talking about? no one is asking you to go back in time; all the man said is travel so you can get an open mind, and think better. There is a lot of indigenous mayan people still in the south of Mesheeko and Guatemala! got there please!! see it for your self
Hey Pichinilli this shit is sad!! I cannot believe how Colonized our people are, but fuck all Malinche's for those of you who do not know what a malinche is: it is a traitor!
Camba Loko what the fuck are you talking about? no one is asking you to go back in time; all the man said is travel so you can get an open mind, and think better. There is a lot of indigenous mayan people still in the south of Mesheeko and Guatemala! got there please!! see it for your self
man wtf are you talking about I was writing back pichinilli because he said to me "the white ppl named that continent america and you say ok..." so I think you misundertood me...
Americano, and what do you want a cookie? or an applaud? what did you learn from that trip and those studies? oh i have a question i though i read some where in this chat room; you put ancestors from spain; is that right? than you are a hispanic!
I am an American.. with Mexican decent...because my grandparents on my dads side were from Mexico. so my upbringing has been conservative old school mexico style... but my ancestors are from Spain. I have no way of knowing what that has affected my life, but I know through geneology that my surname is from Spain. soy mesclado..

I was told to read about maya..I stated I had been there and seen the places actually was there for over a month and a half working on a paper of how mayan culture still affects the architecture present as opposed to historic times.

I don't need anything from you.. I just state what I do..if this makes you feel like I am gloating..then that is your problem.. I ask you and others what do you do to get to know your history... I just don't look to find ways to blame others.

I hate the varied terms we call ourselves..hispano...latino...mexican... raza... I just use them interchangeably because it is just a label

I am American ...but I never forget what got me to where I am at
ok, so because your last name is spanish you are spanish? black people have english last names; does that make them english? and i agree with you on just the label thing, but when you keep labeling yourself a label that was given to you by those of the oppressor side; then there is a seriouse problem. i am one that wants unity for our people, but not of those who are traitors and keep our people dwn. This country which you are so proud of Americano! is the same country whom keeps our people in other countries dwn. they keep doing the same thing they did since 1492. they keep using religion to controll and get what they want. not only religion but strategies like this one; putting our own people against each other, and against other oppressed people around the world.
so who is the model we should strive for.. tepec.. I have a spanish last name because of my history. I don't see I was given a label.. dude open your eyes.. you want what? what is the point your trying to make? You want unity through division? I don't worry about something I can not change. I worry about what is done to me and my family. I tackle those problems and look to help anyone who is looking to get ahead in academics.

I want to hear your ideas whom should we work to be like. I bet I can blow your argument full of holes...
that is the problem; as long as your family and you are ok; who give a fuck of the rest right? well it is not like that; as long as our people are being victims of imperialist so are we. you are them, and no matter how much you want to avoid it; it is still happening in our countries. our people are being slaved to make your gap clothes for you and your family. tell me is that ok with you? And if you want to label yourself call yourself what you really are? in your case you are a hispanic, because your ancestors are from spain, but for me and all the rest of my people we are the people of Anahuac. It is just like if your moms got raped and you came out of that rape; would you be proud of your pops, and would you use his last name?
and we can change this way off life our people and some of us have. boycott all those corporations, and all the authorities that make us this way, and only with unity we can do this. The ants together can defeat the elephant, but when we got people like you; telling them that these religions should be followed, and these labels are ok; then all you are doing is keeping us undeveloped, because then people start to be comfturble with these ways of life; as long as he/she is ok, and their families! at the cost of the rest of those with not such great fortune.
that is the problem; as long as your family and you are ok; who give a fuck of the rest right? well it is not like that; as long as our people are being victims of imperialist so are we. you are them, and no matter how much you want to avoid it; it is still happening in our countries. our people are being slaved to make your gap clothes for you and your family. tell me is that ok with you? And if you want to label yourself call yourself what you really are? in your case you are a hispanic, because your ancestors are from spain, but for me and all the rest of my people we are the people of Anahuac. It is just like if your moms got raped and you came out of that rape; would you be proud of your pops, and would you use his last name?
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