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this americano dude, man you sound like a coconut! you do not know what others have done or not. it seems to me that what ever you do to help my mesheeka people is for credit. it seems you like to brag about it. if you help some one is not to later bring it up so some one can applaud you, but because you have love for our people. Look up the original definition of Latino, and Hispanic Please!!!!
this americano dude, man you sound like a coconut! you do not know what others have done or not. it seems to me that what ever you do to help my mesheeka people is for credit. it seems you like to brag about it. if you help some one is not to later bring it up so some one can applaud you, but because you have love for our people. Look up the original definition of Latino, and Hispanic Please!!!!
if I do mentoring..which if you look up that definition its on my dime and my preference. Tell me where I bragged or did I do a comparative analogy for someone who thinks they can throw out labels and premises without anything to backup what actions they take to make things better.

Lation Hispanic ...what these words mean.. are you serious.. do you want me to list the 100s of labels American Mexicans have placed on themselves throughout the years... please get a clue.

I don't need to be applauded for helping someone else with their careers or outlook. I am not around when they study or go out for jobs. I do it cause I have gone through the struggles and have been under pressure to get out and be successful. I gave pinich the oppertunity to offer his side.. what have you done..hermano..

dude you sound like a coconut!! so are you the epitimy of la raza..
what is sad is the lack of understanding you live in. If you think your more more brown pride than me..let me tell you that I have done more for my gente than you ever will. I don't complain or make excuses.. when I mentor latino students that arrive here in a mostly white university.. I set them up to play the game hard and don't be a crybaby. I give them the perspective of taking the class over and leading not sitting back and just getting by another course infullfillment of major.

What do you do? seems to me just give up.. and have nothing to offfer.

your colonized label is laughable when you fit the typical give me a handout outlook.

you call yourself brown and claim yourself a name that was given by an italian....interesting
In my opinion...what matters is what you think and what you belive in... i belive in Christ and i have Faith in God.....i belive in living a pure healthy life...one thing i dont like about some people is they way interpretate religion, some become fanatics and belive that the others who doesnt share their same points and views are going to go to hell for it.
No, i dont think so, i belive youre getting judge upon how you live your life.
In my opinion...what matters is what you think and what you belive in... i belive in Christ and i have Faith in God.....i belive in living a pure healthy life...one thing i dont like about some people is they way interpretate religion, some become fanatics and belive that the others who doesnt share their same points and views are going to go to hell for it.
No, i dont think so, i belive youre getting judge upon how you live your life.
Shut up!
One point i would like to make clear; i do believe everyone should and must have the freedom of being and choosing what ever they want. Note what ever they want; not something that has been forced upon people, and been taught from child to follow. To make this clear the ancient people from this continant Anahuak ("americas") were not christians or cathlics. This religion was forced upon our ancestors. This was the only way they were able to survive; if not they were killed or enslaved by the spanish (the real hispanic people) whom brought the religion to this continent.
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