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CaMbA_LòKó;123742 said:
I Think Pichinilli Means The Religion Of Mayas And Aztecs... Polyteism...

I'm not familiar with that religion, but who is stopping him from practicing it? :confused:

I guess the law wouldn't look to kindly upon the human sacrifice aspect. :)
^^ Polyteism... Mostly They Believed In Things That Happened In The Nature And They Couldn't Explain It... That's Why There Was A God Of Rain But Also For Other Things Like A God Of War, God Of Night, God Of Day Etc.
ok, but aside from the human sacrifice aspect, who is stopping people from practicing it?

Seems like this guy just wants to b!tch about everything.
spreading the message ..that's a HUGE part of the religion. ain't that what jesus and the apostles used to do ? jehova witnesses are trying to follow the same thing...they don't force anybody to convert so chill

being a christian doesn't mean your close minded or ignorant
Tru Tru bt in mo$t ca$3$ d3y try n forc3 ppl to conv3rt. Y3$ $pr3d da word God i$ good God i$ h3r3 to h3lp bt t3llin ppl tat h3$ da Only on3 tru n d3vin3 n tat if u bliv3 in n3thing el3s3 u r wrong n will go to h3ll n $p3nd da r3$t of lif3 3trnaly damn3d till u go to h3ll naw it $houlnt work lik tat. L3t ppl bliv3 wat da will cuz it$ all ju$ $omthing to bliv3 in to hav3 faith n hop3 n tat d3r i$ a gr3at3r b3ing out th3r3 tat i$ watchin ova our daily liv3$. N al$o ppl who r chri$tian$ hav3 not $how3d m3 diffr3nt bt i m3an u n3va kno i $till hav3 my whol3 lif3 ah3ad of m3.
Tru Tru bt in mo$t ca$3$ d3y try n forc3 ppl to conv3rt. Y3$ $pr3d da word God i$ good God i$ h3r3 to h3lp bt t3llin ppl tat h3$ da Only on3 tru n d3vin3 n tat if u bliv3 in n3thing el3s3 u r wrong n will go to h3ll n $p3nd da r3$t of lif3 3trnaly damn3d till u go to h3ll naw it $houlnt work lik tat. L3t ppl bliv3 wat da will cuz it$ all ju$ $omthing to bliv3 in to hav3 faith n hop3 n tat d3r i$ a gr3at3r b3ing out th3r3 tat i$ watchin ova our daily liv3$. N al$o ppl who r chri$tian$ hav3 not $how3d m3 diffr3nt bt i m3an u n3va kno i $till hav3 my whol3 lif3 ah3ad of m3.

How do they force you to convert?

$ and 3 are not letters!
This pichin wants to bash christianity... have feedom of religion.. and then criticize the people who practice their religion.

I think he does this on purpose to get the board jumping. No one can be that "the man is out to get me attitude"
Americano=American...meaning my country of origin
Las Americas.. get the analogy... my cultural background has been grounded in Mexico. part of las Americas...
what is sad is the lack of understanding you live in. If you think your more more brown pride than me..let me tell you that I have done more for my gente than you ever will. I don't complain or make excuses.. when I mentor latino students that arrive here in a mostly white university.. I set them up to play the game hard and don't be a crybaby. I give them the perspective of taking the class over and leading not sitting back and just getting by another course infullfillment of major.

What do you do? seems to me just give up.. and have nothing to offfer.

your colonized label is laughable when you fit the typical give me a handout outlook.
tiahui brother!!! you are in the right track. decolonize the mind; all that religion bullshit that is exactly what keeps us oppressed. controlling the and keeping our people down. christians are the worst you like it or not, from the begining of their arrival to anahuac they have done the worst, and all in the name of "god" bullshit!!!
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