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'Gun control' tide is turning in Chicago black community

sorry. every marine i know when it comes to fallen soldiers is semper fi. dude you're not even security guard material. however you are not the subject as much as you would like to be. black americans lawfully carrying guns is. i noticed you curbed your argument. still waiting on that and have much more whenever you're ready. i love it.

U said I was a coward so Im calling you an Idiot,

You're an idiot because you think I couldn't have been in the Military because of my alleged Racism. Thats such stupid logic because the Military has many racist people in it. In fact the Military has recently stopped accepting young recruits with Confederate Flag tattoos. Can you figure out why.....? I am actually having such a hard time believing that you actually think there are no people in the military who are racist.

You know dame well that some of these southern pro confederate troops are racist and probably really hate Negros. Does that make them cowards or incapable of serving in the military? NO.... Now you see how weak your stupid argument is?

The Military is also going after people who have ties to Nationalist Socialist Parties.


And I wasn't even talkign about Negros in the military who died. I was saying that a majority Negro population aren't capable of enough responsibility as a whole to have a right to bear arms. Its retarded to think that the same system works on everyone.


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You're a Racist BTW. You see in order to believe that one group is being oppress by another group one has to believe that one group is stronger and smarter then the other. The only way Group A can take advanatge of group B is if Group B is weaker then Group A...

You believe that the relatively few whites that went to Africa were able to Oppress and Screw up the Whole continent of Africa by drawing lines on the group and put opposing tribes within the same country...

You believe blacks are inferior and that the only way they can get by is if whites are generous enough to give them good jobs, welfare and opportunity...! Thats some racist shit...

And fuck you're stupid Negro Hero. He was a fuckign murderer. There's been other stories of supposed Negro heros who were actually veil and evil. He should've been hung high.
U said I was a coward so Im calling you an Idiot,

You're an idiot because you think I couldn't have been in the Military because of my alleged Racism. Thats such stupid logic because the Military has many racist people in it. In fact the Military has recently stopped accepting young recruits with Confederate Flag tattoos. Can you figure out why.....?

i never said there were no racists in the military!! where did i say that? show me the exact quote.
dude you just proved what i was saying. they don't want racists in the military if they can help it because of moral and cohesion. thus we are talking today's military. so what i was saying about the fact i have never known a single marine who felt about fallen soldiers that it was semper fi holds even more bearing. sure they have their own beliefs, but when it comes to fallen marines it's semper fi. they would never let someone run down fellow marines who've given their lives for the corps or let someone else do it like a faker like yourself.

I am actually having such a hard time believing that you actually think there are no people in the military who are racist.

i nevr said that dude read my posts and catch up to reality! get out of the fantasy world and stop dressing up in costumes.
you're funny budguy. (lol)

You know dame well that some of these southern pro confederate troops are racist and probably really hate Negros. Does that make them cowards or incapable of serving in the military? NO.... Now you see how weak your stupid argument is?

it would be if i said there were no racists in the corp, but i never said that. read my post. it was about fallen soldiers who gave their lives for the corp. they never run them down no matter what. they might not like black, latinos, jews, gays, women, asian etc or even their own kind like yourself, but they never diss the fallen. you're fake dude. admit it.

The Military is also going after people who have ties to Nationalist Socialist Parties.


i'm sure they are. and? you're actually bolstering my argument here. ror!!!!!!! i know they don't like racists and things thaty run counter to unit cohesion. it only makes sense. and? lol!!!!!! you're actually helping my argument here and hurting your own!! ror!!!!!

And I wasn't even talkign about Negros in the military who died. I was saying that a majority Negro population aren't capable of enough responsibility as a whole to have a right to bear arms. Its retarded to think that the same system works on everyone.



and my argument is that is bogus. period. the top ten countries with the highest murder rates are mostly european countries with relatively small populations of blacks. look at the facts dude i posted them. you say it's because they're dumber. really? how does barbados which is 90% black have a higher literacy rate than us? if it's retarded to think the same system works on everyone you just shot your own argument. you just said sweeping generalizations are retarded.
oh man you're too funny budguy. blacks in the military prove they are capable of carrying guns and can be responsible with them. they are so adept they've overthrown european colonist governments with them. they didn't slaughter them. when the war was nover they let them leave and in most cases stay. it wasn't always a cozy relationship but that's the way it always is when those who were overthrown regain power. it's been that way throughout history everywhere. sorry try again.
You're a Racist BTW. You see in order to believe that one group is being oppress by another group one has to believe that one group is stronger and smarter then the other.

The only way Group A can take advanatge of group B is if Group B is weaker then Group A...


lol!!! so when that group over throws the opressors then what?
so when those african countries sent the colonists packing then what? does that mean they were smarter and stronger all of a sudden? you talked about white farmers in zimbabwe being oppressed
by the dictatorship. so you're saying the black dictatorship is stronger and smarter? but they're black and you said blacks are dumber.

see the fallacy of your logic? it falls apart quickly. very quickly. it's feeble and brittle as are moonbat racist paranoid insecure theories. it's based on sweeping generalizations that in the real world of governments, nations, wars and international relations not to mention race relations is vastly more complex than that.

remember, even in latin america european descendants still dominated much of the countries they left behind by remaining the ruling group of peoples and such. however in africa that is not the case. most countries ended up with ruling black governments. you say blacks are the dumbest people and weakest. so how is that possible. that shoots both your theories to dust. you are just kinda making things up as you go and it's getting worse and worse for you. why don't you try reading some actual african history.

what about india? they used predominantly nonviolence. that is physically weaker. how did they do it? your theory is simply too simplistic guy. read more and stop making things up. lol.

You believe that the relatively few whites that went to Africa were able to Oppress and Screw up the Whole continent of Africa by drawing lines on the group and put opposing tribes within the same country...

no they drew out the lines they decided to claim as their own according to the designs they had on that country. the thoughts about the native population was secondary and came afterwords. if you read a little on the continent you'd know that it's pretty basic stuff guy. i never said that. and remember. once the blacks got guns they took their countries back in many cases.

You believe blacks are inferior and that the only way they can get by is if whites are generous enough to give them good jobs, welfare and opportunity...! Thats some racist shit...

where did i say that?
you are making stuff up and fantasizing again as usual. dude come out of your fantasy world you wish existed and get wit reality. i didn't say that, that's just what you wish i said. you aren't even looking at the words i write, just making it up as you go. try again. re-read what i said.

And fuck you're stupid Negro Hero. He was a fuckign murderer. There's been other stories of supposed Negro heros who were actually veil and evil. He should've been hung high.

what hero? who are you talking about? where did i say i had a hero? what are you even talking about dude?
you are making things up again and you know it and you believe i'm winning this argument as you're getting more emotional and more angry wit each post son. you're getting housed 'cause as usual you don't know what you are talking about and instead of admitting it you are fantasizing and making thing up m ore and more as you go. hung high? the only thing hanging ids your theory with all those loose ends and the rest that's just being hung out ti dry. get a grip and stop living in an insecure fantasy world regarding what's happening, history and what i'm saying.

thank you though.
you never answered this...

oh yeah.

this guy went on a shooting rampage with a gun killing people at a holocaust museum.


this man was the security guard who gave his life to try and stop him:


should we have used race to determine who was to carry guns here?

oh yeah and btw...


Pfc. Gifford E. Hurt

Hometown:Yonkers, New York, U.S.

Age:19 years old

Died:January 20, 2010 in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Unit:Army, 1st Battalion, 14th Field Artillery Regiment, 214th Fires Brigade, 4th Infantry Division, Fort Sill, Okla.

Incident: Died in Mosul, Iraq, of injuries sustained from a non-combat related accident.


was he civilized enough to carry a weapon?
i never said there were no racists in the military!! where did i say that? show me the exact quote.

By saying that I couldn't have severed in the military because of my alleged racism you implied that its not possible for a racist person to serve in the military.

dude you just proved what i was saying. they don't want racists in the military if they can help it because of moral and cohesion. thus we are talking today's military. so what i was saying about the fact i have never known a single marine who felt about fallen soldiers that it was semper fi holds even more bearing. sure they have their own beliefs, but when it comes to fallen marines it's semper fi. they would never let someone run down fellow marines who've given their lives for the corps or let someone else do it like a faker like yourself.

I never said a thing about Fallen Negros who severed in the US army. Dude You put words into my mouth. We were talkign about something entirely different then you came up with this fallen Negro soldiers shit.

i nevr said that dude read my posts and catch up to reality! get out of the fantasy world and stop dressing up in costumes.
you're funny budguy. (lol)

Again, by implying that I could never have served in the military because of my alleged racism you believe that its not possible for a racist person to serve in the military. Go back and read you're own damn post if you don't believe me.

it would be if i said there were no racists in the corp, but i never said that. read my post. it was about fallen soldiers who gave their lives for the corp. they never run them down no matter what. they might not like black, latinos, jews, gays, women, asian etc or even their own kind like yourself, but they never diss the fallen. you're fake dude. admit it.

I never ran down Negros who served in the military. Negros are perfectly capable of bravely just like Dogs and humansare.

i'm sure they are. and? you're actually bolstering my argument here. ror!!!!!!! i know they don't like racists and things thaty run counter to unit cohesion. it only makes sense. and? lol!!!!!! you're actually helping my argument here and hurting your own!! ror!!!!!

You don't have a strategic mind. Hatred can be good to have in our military. Suppose we went to war with lets say Iraq. Who do you think would better fight this war? A bunch of Liberals who accept all cultures and tolerate Diversity much like yourself? Or a bunch of rednecks who hate sand niggers?

Hatred is a double edge sword. It can be both good and bad depending on the situation. Ofcourse I don't expect a limited mind such as yourself to understand this.

Our government is a Liberal government and they are trying to make our troops 100% Politically Correct and into docile sheeps much like yourself.

and my argument is that is bogus. period. the top ten countries with the highest murder rates are mostly european countries with relatively small populations of blacks. look at the facts dude i posted them. you say it's because they're dumber. really? how does barbados which is 90% black have a higher literacy rate than us? if it's retarded to think the same system works on everyone you just shot your own argument. you just said sweeping

Somalia wasn't on the list. Care to wonder why? Because they don't have a government and dont give two shits about recording their crimes. Same with Haiti. This places are shit holes.

Go ahead.... Keep on telling me that European Countries are worst palces to live due to their crime rates more then Sub Sahara Shit hole African countries lol. You might as well stop now man.

generalizations are retarded.
oh man you're too funny budguy. blacks in the military prove they are capable of carrying guns and can be responsible with them. they are so adept they've overthrown european colonist governments with them. they didn't slaughter them. when the war was nover they let them leave and in most cases stay. it wasn't always a cozy relationship but that's the way it always is when those who were overthrown regain power. it's been that way throughout history everywhere. sorry try again.

Just like you generalize all military folks by the few military folks you met...? Or just like you generalize all rightwingers too?

Learn to read my post right. Blacks are capable of behaving like humans when they are next to other humans when they are the minority. But as soon as you have heavy Niggerfluxation (IE majority nigger population) they start behaving like niggers and eentually lose all traces of civilized behavior.

I've been studyign Negros for quite a while now and have earned the title of Niggerologist. Are you a Niggerologist? Nope so you're not qualified to talk abotu negros. You're a closed minded Liberal who thinks everyone is the same and the same system works on everyone. Racism is a communist term too.
other group one has to believe that one group is stronger and smarter then the other.

The only way Group A can take advanatge of group B is if Group B is weaker then Group A...


lol!!! so when that group over throws the opressors then what?
so when those african countries sent the colonists packing then what? does that mean they were smarter and stronger all of a sudden? you talked about white farmers in zimbabwe being oppressed

They were out numbered and they removed the Apartheid Policy in may places in Africa which helped the whites protect themselves from the savage Feral Negros. Not to the whites lost support from their home governments which turned Liberal and helped Africa beat the whites.

by the dictatorship. so you're saying the black dictatorship is stronger and smarter? but they're black and you said blacks are dumber.

Both sides lost dude. Negros in Africa are starving. There isn't a day in Africa where a large percentage of the population isn't infected with aids or malaria or a day where there isn't a freakin genocide lol.

Africa is a shit hole. There's your proof right there.

see the fallacy of your logic? it falls apart quickly. very quickly. it's feeble and brittle as are moonbat racist paranoid insecure theories. it's based on sweeping generalizations that in the real world of governments, nations, wars and international relations not to mention race relations is vastly more complex than that.

Nope, my argument never fell apart. Whites in Africa lost support and were outnumbered. Ten thousand of them have been murdered By Negros since they got rid of Apartheid. And the countries turned into shitholes.

Again you're not qualified to talk about negros since you're a nigger lover and not a niggerologist like I am. Sorry.

remember, even in latin america european descendants still dominated much of the countries they left behind by remaining the ruling group of peoples and such. however in africa that is not the case. most countries ended up with ruling black governments. you say blacks are the dumbest people and weakest. so how is that possible. that shoots both your theories to dust. you are just kinda making things up as you go and it's getting worse and worse for you. why don't you try reading some actual african history.

A lot good their ruling black government has done to them lol. Latin America is Mixed. Some countries are like 95% white and others are like 90% Indio dark skins. The Indio Dark Skin countries are usually poorer but thats because of their anti materialist philosophy which I don't you even understand. Thats my belief ofcourse. There is nothign wrong with not being a materialist but they better not bitch for free welfare if they're that way.

what about india? they used predominantly nonviolence. that is physically weaker. how did they do it? your theory is simply too simplistic guy. read more and stop making things up. lol.

What about them? Don't worry, I know about the story of Gandi and he's non violent ways. Thats something to admire. Anyways To begin with whites were out matched 10000000000 to 1. And as far as I know they are doing well ever since they started practicing capitalism. I love India and hindus and I dont get mad if they steal American jobs. Good for them! They are humans in my eyes.

no they drew out the lines they decided to claim as their own according to the designs they had on that country. the thoughts about the native population was secondary and came afterwords. if you read a little on the continent you'd know that it's pretty basic stuff guy. i never said that. and remember. once the blacks got guns they took their countries back in many cases.

Well now they(whites) left and are not in power anymore. WHats the Excuse of the Fuckign Negro now? Ohh thats right, we're suppose to feed, educate and provide for them until they get back on their feet.... Guess what. That will never happen no matter how much we teach them! LOL

where did i say that?
you are making stuff up and fantasizing again as usual. dude come out of your fantasy world you wish existed and get wit reality. i didn't say that, that's just what you wish i said. you aren't even looking at the words i write, just making it up as you go. try again. re-read what i said.

Every time you say Blacks need better jobs, better education more opportunity you are implying that they are dependent on white people to give them these things. Same thing if you say that about browns.

what hero? who are you talking about? where did i say i had a hero? what are you even talking about dude?
you are making things up again and you know it and you believe i'm winning this argument as you're getting more emotional and more angry wit each post son. you're getting housed 'cause as usual you don't know what you are talking about and instead of admitting it you are fantasizing and making thing up m ore and more as you go. hung high? the only thing hanging ids your theory with all those loose ends and the rest that's just being hung out ti dry. get a grip and stop living in an insecure fantasy world regarding what's happening, history and what i'm saying.

I was talkign about that Negro who comes out in the book "Things fall apart".
Negros shouldn't be allowed to own guns. There isn't a day in Chicago that goes by where a dozen or so Negros shoot each other for no reason and now they want guns?!?! (I posted an article a few weeks ago how Negros shoot each other all the time in Chicago. This goes on in pretty much anywhere you have a lot of negros. IE Detriot, Apefreca, Haiti etc etc etc )

This city is made up of whites, hispanics and backs yet blanks account for most of the crime going on in this city. They should be the last 'people' to own guns.

What a fucking ignorant post. Been to LA lately? You mexican scum are shooting anything that walks in certain cities. Can't go here can't go there, can't even wear certain colors or else a mexican will shoot you.

No wetbacks should be allowed to carry guns.
i never said there were no racists in the military!! where did i say that? show me the exact quote.

By saying that I couldn't have severed in the military because of my alleged racism you implied that its not possible for a racist person to serve in the military.

i said you couldn't have served in the military because of your lack of respect for fallen military heroes. fallen men and women who gave their lives for america. i told you re-read the post. you're funny guy. (lol)

dude you just proved what i was saying. they don't want racists in the military if they can help it because of moral and cohesion. thus we are talking today's military. so what i was saying about the fact i have never known a single marine who felt about fallen soldiers that it was semper fi holds even more bearing. sure they have their own beliefs, but when it comes to fallen marines it's semper fi. they would never let someone run down fellow marines who've given their lives for the corps or let someone else do it like a faker like yourself.

I never said a thing about Fallen Negros who severed in the US army. Dude You put words into my mouth. We were talkign about something entirely different then you came up with this fallen Negro soldiers shit.

you said all blacks shouldn't carry guns because they aren't responsible enough or civilized enough with them to carry them. i showed people who made the ultimate sacrifice when handling guns to help their country. you s****** all over them. they were trained and disciplined and brave. you are stalling and hedging. you have dissed them so far. no semper fi there. a liar.

i nevr said that dude read my posts and catch up to reality! get out of the fantasy world and stop dressing up in costumes.
you're funny budguy. (lol)

Again, by implying that I could never have served in the military because of my alleged racism you believe that its not possible for a racist person to serve in the military. Go back and read you're own damn post if you don't believe me.

i didn't say that. i said because of your lack of respect for fallen soldiers i will actually quote what you quoted right above (lol) "what i was saying about the fact i have never known a single marine who felt about fallen soldiers that it was semper fi holds even more bearing. sure they have their own beliefs, but when it comes to fallen marines it's semper fi. they would never let someone run down fellow marines who've given their lives for the corps or let someone else do it like a faker like yourself." your own quote (lol).

it would be if i said there were no racists in the corp, but i never said that. read my post. it was about fallen soldiers who gave their lives for the corp. they never run them down no matter what. they might not like black, latinos, jews, gays, women, asian etc or even their own kind like yourself, but they never diss the fallen. you're fake dude. admit it.

I never ran down Negros who served in the military. Negros are perfectly capable of bravely just like Dogs and humansare.

you definitely did. you just did again by calling then dogs. (what a fool!)

dogs aren't capable of carrying guns because they don't know when to fire them and when not to. some tech could easily design a trigger mechanism for a dog. would you trust one to know when to fire and when not to in the heat of battle?

black soldiers have been flying fighter jets for years. can dogs do that? what about command troops like gen colin powell? are dogs capable of winning wars between nations? (lol) you mentioned humans as well. you just reversed course and inadvertently admitted they're human as well.

see what i told you about the fallacy of racist theories. brittle.

i'm sure they are. and? you're actually bolstering my argument here. ror!!!!!!! i know they don't like racists and things thaty run counter to unit cohesion. it only makes sense. and? lol!!!!!! you're actually helping my argument here and hurting your own!! ror!!!!!

You don't have a strategic mind. Hatred can be good to have in our military. Suppose we went to war with lets say Iraq. Who do you think would better fight this war? A bunch of Liberals who accept all cultures and tolerate Diversity much like yourself? Or a bunch of rednecks who hate sand niggers?

Hatred is a double edge (15 hours a week in school huh?) sword. It can be both good and bad depending on the situation. Ofcourse I don't expect a limited mind such as yourself (15 hours a week in school huh?) to understand this.

Our government is a Liberal government and they are trying to make our troops 100% Politically Correct and into docile sheeps (15 hours a week in school huh?) much like yourself.

what does hating your enemy have to do with hating the guy standing next to you? how is it strategically advantageous to, in a general sense, maintain an emotional view of your fellow soldiers resulting in a blanket hatred and sense of insecurity about all blacks, the same way you feel about them, who you serve with? you know as much about smart strategy as you do about the english language. (lol)

you know how i know the people who understand military strategy agree with me and not you regarding fellow troops? you said they banned confederate flag tattoos due to an effort to eliminate racism among the ranks. why? to avoid disharmony and a lack of cohesion. why? because that is bad for moral and effective group unity. some thing needed in the field.

and btw. the plural of sheep is sheep. not sheeps. ask a 15 year old on bp. they can tell you. they go to school.

and my argument is that is bogus. period. the top ten countries with the highest murder rates are mostly european countries with relatively small populations of blacks. look at the facts dude i posted them. you say it's because they're dumber. really? how does barbados which is 90% black have a higher literacy rate than us? if it's retarded to think the same system works on everyone you just shot your own argument. you just said sweeping

Somalia wasn't on the list. Care to wonder why? Because they don't have a government and dont give two shits about recording their crimes. Same with Haiti. This (15 hours a week in school huh?) places are shit holes.

really? then how come haiti is on the list of most corrupt governments? how do they know that?

is the corrupt government sending emails to the un every time it does something corrupt, but not when there are murders committed by citizens? ror!!!!!!!

come on son try again. independent monitoring organizations collect the data.

as far as somalia goes prove it. prove that the reason they don't have stats is the conflict. or perhaps deaths as a result of war don't count. see that's the problem with the country. it's called civil war. war. you know the thing you know nothing about but wish you did. stop faking and playing dress up. you're too old.

Go ahead.... Keep on telling me that European Countries are worst palces to live due to their crime rates more then (15 hours a week in school huh?) Sub Sahara Shit hole African countries lol. You might as well stop now man.

where did i say on the whole they were better or worse? who said that? post the quote. (lol love to see this) that was not even the point. if you really did go to a real school you would know this.

you said people should be allowed to carry guns according to race. and then you said that would be due to the way they behave with weapons. you talked about crime rates related to guns. so i said fine i went and looked up murder rates by country. i didn't make up those numbers i looked them up. those are the places with the highest murder rates. sorry. armed wars don't count. that's why iraq wasn't on the list. it's called war. sorry you've never been in the military so that you might understand that point.if you had been to school you'd be rebutting my actual points not missing them like a blindfolded man swinging for the pinata but at the wrong tree, in the wrong yard and in the wrong state.


generalizations are retarded.
oh man you're too funny budguy. blacks in the military prove they are capable of carrying guns and can be responsible with them. they are so adept they've overthrown european colonist governments with them. they didn't slaughter them. when the war was nover they let them leave and in most cases stay. it wasn't always a cozy relationship but that's the way it always is when those who were overthrown regain power. it's been that way throughout history everywhere. sorry try again.

Just like you generalize all military folks by the few military folks you met...? Or just like you generalize all rightwingers too?

i'm a registered independent. but i do question racism. and right wingers are more and more racist. the country is becoming less and less racist. children are growing up less and less racist. that's statistics. why they are going to integrated schools and realizing that stuff is b.s. all lies. you guys better change or get phased out. i'm conservative on certain points of view. racism isn't conservative or liberal. it's just a lot of right wingers are. thanks for continually proving that btw. lol you actually make a lot of my arguments for me.

Learn to read my post right. Blacks are capable of behaving like humans when they are next to other humans when they are the minority. But as soon as you have heavy Niggerfluxation (IE majority nigger population) they start behaving like niggers and eentually lose all traces of civilized behavior.

oh so now you're back tracking on blacks being human and civilized huh? so why are so many african nation in possession of lower murder rates that us?

there are independent groups that collect murder rates and figures. so the idea they don't report them is bogus. and there are nations with functioning governments. murder rates don't go against countries trying to get loans and aid in fact it helps it would only benefit them to inflate the numbers and say "see we need more help." you are falling apart. you'r argument has more holes than swiss cheese. try again.

again. explain barbados. how do they have a higher literacy rate than the us and lower crime rate? explain that if that is true. they are a nation that is 90% black and poor. so how is that? please tell us all your moonbat rightwing theory on this one so we can laugh at you then tear it apart.

I've been studyign Negros for quite a while now and have earned the title of Niggerologist. Are you a Niggerologist? Nope so you're not qualified to talk abotu negros. You're a closed minded Liberal who thinks everyone is the same and the same system works on everyone. Racism is a communist term too.

earned the title? dude talk about fantasy land. your argument is so weak you make up terms that don't exist. make up titles for yourself, and make up fields of study. and i'm supposed to believe you don't live in a fantasy world? your arguments are weak. when they get pointed out you start making things up. the more you lost the more you lie. it's been this way since the old site. it continues unabated.

you lose and have had to make things up (once agin to try and save face). your jokes are even pathetic.

but thank you though.[

that helps me. (lol)/I]
other group one has to believe that one group is stronger and smarter then the other.

The only way Group A can take advanatge of group B is if Group B is weaker then Group A...


lol!!! so when that group over throws the opressors then what?
so when those african countries sent the colonists packing then what? does that mean they were smarter and stronger all of a sudden? you talked about white farmers in zimbabwe being oppressed

They were out numbered and they removed the Apartheid Policy in may places in Africa which helped the whites protect themselves from the savage Feral Negros. Not to the whites lost support from their home governments which turned Liberal and helped Africa beat the whites.

what are you talking about? colonialism and apartheid are 2 separate methods of government control of a populace.

if you had studied this you would know this. the only place that utilized apartheid was not overthrown by force. but by africans using their brains and reaching out to the rest of the world. they wrote and gave speeches. if they were so stupid how could they have accomplished this? (still waiting...) how is it bishop desmond tutu has a better grasp of the english language than you for instance if he is supposed to b e dumber? same goes for mandela. how did his words affect so many? liberals? that is not a genetic disposition. try and actually not make something up this time.

you are talking south africa. the rest mostly won independence through a combination of force and diplomacy both. sure they lost support in some places, but not everywhere. what about the places they were overthrown with military force and strategy? how is that possible if they were in possession of smaller brains as you contend? how is that possible? explain using historical references please and not make things up. when you are actually making up words dude... that's when you know you're losing...

by the dictatorship. so you're saying the black dictatorship is stronger and smarter? but they're black and you said blacks are dumber.

Both sides lost dude. Negros in Africa are starving. There isn't a day in Africa where a large percentage of the population isn't infected with aids or malaria or a day where there isn't a freakin genocide lol.

not all countries are doing poorly budguy. i'm sorry, but thought they have high starvation rated and poverty rates those are a result of many things. much of which have to do with their history and the difficult time they have had piecing together solid governments out of the remnants of colonialism essentially on their own. those places weren't nations previously like say india or thailand. the nations in existence at the time had entirely different borders. you still have not responded to that at all all of which i wrote about and all the quotes and citations. you have yet to source your arguments. latin america is also different. how? because in latin america the whites mostly stayed and stayed in power, in command of the wealth and politics. thus iut was much easier to have relationships with western countries. look at the facts. they had extermination campaigns of natives as well. it's all in the history books. you wouldn't need to make things up if you just read, stop lying. it makes you appear... immature.

Africa is a shit hole. There's your proof right there.

that proves nothing. what about appalicia. the region you referred to. over 60% illiteracy in the central region. what is their black population? how do you explain that? how do you explain regions of america that went broke? they weren't run by black people. how do you explain it? the rust belt. some places are horrible. not africa. how do you explain that? go ahead. and try not making things up this time. fantasy worlds are so... three year old...

see the fallacy of your logic? it falls apart quickly. very quickly. it's feeble and brittle as are moonbat racist paranoid insecure theories. it's based on sweeping generalizations that in the real world of governments, nations, wars and international relations not to mention race relations is vastly more complex than that.

Nope, my argument never fell apart. Whites in Africa lost support and were outnumbered. Ten thousand of them have been murdered By Negros since they got rid of Apartheid. And the countries turned into shitholes.

really? sorry, but there were countries that had their government's support and lost. that if historical fact. you aid they were all spear chuckers. so how did they win? spears against guns and bombs? sorry guy not working. falling apart quickly. how about south africa? you know the place there was apartheid?
they won by reaching out tho the international community. the whites were thoroughly outnumbered but war did nothing. in fact the war they had the whites who were vastly outnumbered won. then blacks won their independence through the pen.

mandela, tutu, biko and others. how is that possible if they were feral savages? they wouldn't have the brain capacity. how is mandela smarter than you. how is tutu smarter than you? shall we paste copies of what they have written and compare it with what you have written? how did that happen? you are not taking into account the whole history why. you haven't read. you are gleaming bits and pieces from kkk websites that are obviously biased. you have not read un-biased left nor right history on the continent. you are making things up again. read guy. try it for once... (lol)

Again you're not qualified to talk about negros since you're a nigger lover and not a niggerologist like I am. Sorry.

come on budguy. that's baby talk. now you're living in three year old fantasy land again. you going to show us your diploma from college in that field? i suppose that won't be made up either. thanks for proving me right. i knew you were a faker.:D

remember, even in latin america european descendants still dominated much of the countries they left behind by remaining the ruling group of peoples and such. however in africa that is not the case. most countries ended up with ruling black governments. you say blacks are the dumbest people and weakest. so how is that possible. that shoots both your theories to dust. you are just kinda making things up as you go and it's getting worse and worse for you. why don't you try reading some actual african history.

A lot good their ruling black government has done to them lol. Latin America is Mixed. Some countries are like 95% white and others are like 90% Indio dark skins. The Indio Dark Skin countries are usually poorer but thats because of their anti materialist philosophy which I don't you
even understand. Thats my belief ofcourse. There is nothign wrong with not being a materialist but they better not bitch for free welfare if they're that way.

there's nothing wrong with a belief. but i am bringing facts to the table. i am talking fact. you are talking "my belief" as you say. you believe you are an expert on africa because of a made up fantasy when you are losing arguments. you believe you are a marine when you are losing arguments. you believe you know why countries are poor based on a belief you believe they adhere to yet cannot provide links to as the reason their entire nation is poor relative to dark skin. my bet is you can't. why? you are a faker. you are phony. you live in a fantasy land and when things don;t go budguy's way you start retreating into that hole you have made up where you are an expert in a non existent philosophy, a marine when you dress up and in school when you need to feel better about yourself. you lie. and you even make it obvious.

what about india? they used predominantly nonviolence. that is physically weaker. how did they do it? your theory is simply too simplistic guy. read more and stop making things up. lol.

What about them? Don't worry, I know about the story of Gandi and he's non violent ways. Thats something to admire. Anyways To begin with whites were out matched 10000000000 to 1. And as far as I know they are doing well ever since they started practicing capitalism. I love India and hindus and I dont get mad if they steal American jobs. Good for them! They are humans in my eyes.

do you know how long it took them to start doing well? they were starving for years as many other asian and latin american nations still are. how is that? why is that? why is bangladesh still starving? same with shri lanka?

your theories are falling apart guy. whites were outmatched in india? they were outmatched in south africa s well. but there was never a fight for independence there. the initial conquering was a war and they were outmatched then too. remember india and south africa won their independence through their non violent efforts not through their failed violent efforts. they used their minds. strategy, literature, philosophy and diplomacy. the pen was mightier than the sword and that can only be accomplished if the people employing the weapon of the pen are smart. they have to be educated. if they are all dumb how is that possible? (still waiting...) your philosophy is breaking and you are starting to lie badly and all over the place. sorry...

no they drew out the lines they decided to claim as their own according to the designs they had on that country. the thoughts about the native population was secondary and came afterwords. if you read a little on the continent you'd know that it's pretty basic stuff guy. i never said that. and remember. once the blacks got guns they took their countries back in many cases.

Well now they(whites) left and are not in power anymore. WHats the Excuse of the Fuckign Negro now? Ohh thats right, we're suppose to feed, educate and provide for them until they get back on their feet.... Guess what. That will never happen no matter how much we teach them! LOL

sure it will. the countries that won through non violent strategies employs their minds. sorry guy. that's the fact. they need to work out the civil wars. they have only been independent and trying to live with these tribal conflicts amongst groups with deep and long hatreds of each other for a matter of decades. some are stabilizing and others are not. unfortunately those that are stabilizing have limited resources with which to become rich. so they are starting from scratch.

those who are warring mostly are those with resources. they still need to stop. of course that's difficult when outside corporations start funding rebels as soon as those governments get ready to take control of their resources. thus instability results. the same way in many latin american countries companies like monsanto do the same thing. huge logging concerns do the same thing. you are losing. your philosophy is becoming dust... keep trying... you are now linking interests you are attempting to separate. (lol)

where did i say that?
you are making stuff up and fantasizing again as usual. dude come out of your fantasy world you wish existed and get wit reality. i didn't say that, that's just what you wish i said. you aren't even looking at the words i write, just making it up as you go. try again. re-read what i said.

Every time you say Blacks need better jobs, better education more opportunity you are implying that they are dependent on white people to give them these things. Same thing if you say that about browns.

no i'm not and where did i say that? i'm saying they need stability in their own countries. they educated themselves in many african countries with higher literacy rates than some european cpountries and far higher that the appalaccias. how is that possible? they can do it themselves. in fact the thing western companies fear most is just that. what would debeers and mobil do if countries they had concerns in stabilized? you say that will never happen, but you don't realize it's getting closer and closer all the time. india has done it. others will as well.

as far as this country they need the opportunity to get jobs free from prejudice like all minorities and women. not just black people. the same way they have the equal right to carry a gun in the military due to the fact they are just as civilized and gun responsible as anyone of any other race. ;)

what hero? who are you talking about? where did i say i had a hero? what are you even talking about dude?
you are making things up again and you know it and you believe i'm winning this argument as you're getting more emotional and more angry wit each post son. you're getting housed 'cause as usual you don't know what you are talking about and instead of admitting it you are fantasizing and making thing up m ore and more as you go. hung high? the only thing hanging ids your theory with all those loose ends and the rest that's just being hung out ti dry. get a grip and stop living in an insecure fantasy world regarding what's happening, history and what i'm saying.

I was talkign about that Negro who comes out (15 hours a week of school huh?)in the book "Things fall apart".

which person from the book are speaking of specifically? which character? are you speaking of the author? who and what are you speaking of? where did i say anything about anyone related to that book being a hero or mine? you are fantasizing because you wish i said that. the same way you are fantasizing that blacks are genetically predisposed to incivility. ;)

thanks budguy. you made that debate easy.
What a fucking ignorant post. Been to LA lately? You mexican scum are shooting anything that walks in certain cities. Can't go here can't go there, can't even wear certain colors or else a mexican will shoot you.

No wetbacks should be allowed to carry guns.

that was an ignorant post true. but your racism isn't helping things here dude. you sound as bad as he does. if it's him that's ignorant prove it.

by being racist yourself you just look as bad as him. and that's pretty bad.
oh yeah.

this guy went on a shooting rampage with a gun killing people at a holocaust museum.


this man was the security guard who gave his life to try and stop him:


should we have used race to determine who was to carry guns here?

oh yeah...


Sgt. 1st Class Michael P. Shannon

Hometown:Canadensis, Pennsylvania, U.S.

Age:52 years old

Died:January 17, 2010 in Operation Enduring Freedom.

Unit:Army, Headquarters, 7th Army and U.S. Army Europe, Heidelberg, Germany

Incident: Died in Kabul, Afghanistan, of injuries sustained from a non-combat related incident.


was he civilized enough? ...

still waiting...
What a fucking ignorant post. Been to LA lately? You mexican scum are shooting anything that walks in certain cities. Can't go here can't go there, can't even wear certain colors or else a mexican will shoot you.

No wetbacks should be allowed to carry guns.

Yes i have been to LA muddafucker. In fact i posted a Video of Downtown LA a few weeks ago to show people how shitty it is.

But anyways if you want to help put a stop Hispanic Gang violence SHow Your MuddaFucking Support to Stop Illegal Immigrantion! A lot of these gangsters are illegal aliens.

If Black America shows their support to stop illegal immigration people won't think its racist.
that was an ignorant post true. but your racism isn't helping things here dude. you sound as bad as he does. if it's him that's ignorant prove it.

by being racist yourself you just look as bad as him. and that's pretty bad.

No he's tellign the Truth. I've already posted a video about how shitty LA is and there have been numerous occasions where Blacks and Whites get beat up and/or killed by brown gangsters many whom are probably illegal aliens. You're probably pretty ignorant of how bad illegal immigration hurts black America.

Downtown LA is a fucking shithole and its largely due to illegal aliens and their anchorbabies.

The Negro is just is just saying it how it is. In the Rightwing world We call that "Calling a Spade a Spade" which is something you 100% politcally correct Liberals never do.
No he's tellign the Truth. I've already posted a video about how shitty LA is and there have been numerous occasions where Blacks and Whites get beat up and/or killed by brown gangsters many whom are probably illegal aliens. You're probably pretty ignorant of how bad illegal immigration hurts black America.

Downtown LA is a fucking shithole and its largely due to illegal aliens and their anchorbabies.

The Negro is just is just saying it how it is. In the Rightwing world We call that "Calling a Spade a Spade" which is something you 100% politcally correct Liberals never do.


budguy... where's the debate? you haven't responded. what he said was racist.

he blamed it on mexicans. all mexicans. you are mexicans.

budguy is a spade.

is that it?


now respond to the response. use historical fact if possible. making things up belies a level of fear of facing me on the basis of fact. i can't argue opinion as you have yours. i said prove your initial assertions and instead of saying "well that's just my opinion." you attempted to do that.

now you are making strange stories up about being some expert in a nonexistent philosophical viewpoint and even resorting to making up words. yeah okay "americans are japanese because i say they are" is baby talk. get moving and let's roll.

come on. no breaks allowed. now respond!!!


thanks guy...
oh yeah.

this guy went on a shooting rampage with a gun killing people at a holocaust museum.


this man was the security guard who gave his life to try and stop him:


should we have used race to determine who was to carry guns here?

and btw...


Staff Sgt. Daniel D. Merriweather

Hometown:Collierville, Tennessee, U.S.

Age:25 years old

Died:January 13, 2010 in Operation Enduring Freedom.

Unit:Army, 118th Military Police Company (Airborne), 503rd Military Police Battalion (Airborne), 16th Military Police Brigade (Airborne), Fort Bragg, N.C.

Incident: Died at Combat Outpost McClain, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when enemy forces attacked their vehicle with a makeshift bomb.


was he civilized enough?

still waiting...
budguy... where's the debate? you haven't responded. what he said was racist.

he blamed it on mexicans. all mexicans. you are mexicans.

I know what It meant. It meant stupid ass cholo/gangster brown Mexicans just like you were once.

budguy is a spade.

I don't think you don't understand the concept of calling a spade a spade. To you everyone is equal and the same so there is no use explaining. Your whole brain has a Political Correctness Filter which blocks out a lot of truth.

now respond to the response. use historical fact if possible. making things up belies a level of fear of facing me on the basis of fact. i can't argue opinion as you have yours. i said prove your initial assertions and instead of saying "well that's just my opinion." you attempted to do that.

NO...For these types of takes you use current event facts rather then Historical Facts. And whats the use of posting current event news if I already know what he's talkign about?

If you want to pretend that everything is all Good in LA then thats your problem.

now you are making strange stories up about being some expert in a nonexistent philosophical viewpoint and even resorting to making up words. yeah okay "americans are japanese because i say they are" is baby talk. get moving and let's roll.

come on. no breaks allowed. now respond!!!

I have many more important things to do and I don't have all the time in the world unlike you who probably live at your mother's basement.
I know what It meant. It meant stupid ass cholo/gangster brown Mexicans just like you were once.

no i meant the one about blacks and guns. you skipped over my last response. (lol) come on! i was a cholo? dude on the old bp you said you were a wannabe once. now you all mad cause you couldn't pass the initiation. it's ther boy scouts foo! just build a fire!!!

I don't think you don't understand the concept of calling a spade a spade. To you everyone is equal and the same so there is no use explaining. Your whole brain has a Political Correctness Filter which blocks out a lot of truth.


uh budguy. that was a little facetiousness. most people learned that in grade school guy. that's why we know the term stretches across party lines. i didn't say everyone is equal. i aid everyone should have an equal opportunity to compete. block out what? i'm dropping historical facts on you and you start inventing words and theories the farther we go. you just make things up the harder it gets for you. that's the stuff a 16 year old does. someone who's... a little immature, but whatever your case it's certainly not reality. where's your historical reference?

NO...For these types of takes you use current event facts rather then Historical Facts. And whats the use of posting current event news if I already know what he's talkign about?

If you want to pretend that everything is all Good in LA then thats your problem.

no i don't most of the revolutions we discussed were decades ago. otr rather the revolutions i discussed. you didn't even know what i was talking about. instead of admitting that you started to make things up. i can see you want to get out of this as your posts are getting shorter and further away from the topic of guns and specifically whether black people are civilized and responsible. i used murder rates. i even went back and gave historical evidence refuting your argument from the 1500's. sorry budguy but you need to realize that decades ago is not current events. the 1500's is not even close to that mark. so you either never read my posts or blocked out those facts as id they didn't exist because you preferred this fantasy world you have made up. but you should read the history. i'm talking me and you and this topic. now respond or admit you don't want to.

I have many more important things to do and I don't have all the time in the world unlike you who probably live at your mother's basement.

lol. okay then i'll drop the argument. i guess black people can be as responsible with guns as anyone else. you know how we know? they are taking the responsibility of attempting to curb guns entirely in that chicago community and forge their rights for peace. so their kids and themselves can live free from violence.

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