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ICE attack...wtf...

You really should read up on your history friend. France had fallen and Brittan was on the brink. The Nazi's allies Japan attacked us, ever heard about the German U-boats off our west coast? The battles in the South Pacific?
My grandfather fought in WWII - I'm a WWII buff. trust me.
Germany did not use conscript armies. What does this mean? They had limited manpower. That means, there is no way in hell they could have conquered the world. They simply didn't have the resources to complete it. They were losing many men on the Russian front. When the Americans joined in, the Germans were already on their way down. They were eventually going to lose, anyway. Their industrial production couldn't compare to the US. We built more guns, ammo, planes, and bombs, faster than they could. In hindsight, they had no chance. The reason they sent U-boats into American waters was to stop our arms shipments because they KNEW they couldn't outproduce the US. Sending our military over there wasn't necessary. They would have collapsed, eventually. Though, ending the war sooner did save many lives.

Japan attacked us because we were interfering with their oil production. We even baited them into it, by bringing our entire Pacific fleet to Pearl Harbor (where one of my great uncles died on the Oklahoma). Here's the thing with Japan, though they were allied with Germany, they never wanted to conquer the world. They were trying to secure resources. Yes, they were brutal, but they never were a threat to the US.

Remember, this all started with your statement that if it wasn't for the US, we'd all be speaking German. That is patently false. Even if they conquered the entire planet, we would still be speaking English.
no you are off. do you know about the Manhattan Project? If Germany had developed the atomic bomb first... you do understand what that would have ment right?

Need I remind you what Hitler was doing to the non blond hair/blue eyed people?
no you are off. do you know about the Manhattan Project? If Germany had developed the atomic bomb first... you do understand what that would have ment right?
Heh, we never used the atomic bomb on Germany. Germany was done by the time atomic bombs became a reality.

Need I remind you what Hitler was doing to the non blond hair/blue eyed people?
And that means Germany would have conquered the world and made us all speak German how?
Heh, we never used the atomic bomb on Germany. Germany was done by the time atomic bombs became a reality.

And that means Germany would have conquered the world and made us all speak German how?

dude of course we didn't- you think you are talking to an idiot here- ha don't answer that. BUT if they would have gotten the bomb first... things would have turned out differently.

would do you mean how? how did the roman empire conquer so much? how did Germany conquer damn near all of Europe? How did the Spanish conquer civilizations in the Americas? with force/might/power
dude of course we didn't- you think you are talking to an idiot here- ha don't answer that. BUT if they would have gotten the bomb first... things would have turned out differently.

would do you mean how? how did the roman empire conquer so much? how did Germany conquer damn near all of Europe? How did the Spanish conquer civilizations in the Americas? with force/might/power
this is sad but true......
dude of course we didn't- you think you are talking to an idiot here- ha don't answer that. BUT if they would have gotten the bomb first... things would have turned out differently.

would do you mean how? how did the roman empire conquer so much? how did Germany conquer damn near all of Europe? How did the Spanish conquer civilizations in the Americas? with force/might/power
The Roman Empire conquered a large part of the known world, at the time, but even at their peak, they were over extended.

The Spanish conquered so much of the Americas because of technology advantages and biological warfare (small pox). Conquering Europe is not the same as conquering the world.

I guess if you want to believe that the US saved the world, there's no amount of information that is going to change that belief. I call that faith though, not logic.
sure they were overextended but they still conquered a large part of the known world.
the reasons are not the point, the Spanish conquered the Americas.
Conquering Europe was a helluva task- Europe was well defended. Who else besides the US and Russia would have been able to stop the Nazi's? Nobody on the African Continent, nobody outside of Russia on the Asian Continent, Nobody in Central or South America. And IF the Germans had beat the Americans to the atomic bomb... I'd call that a simplified version of THE FACTS.
sure they were overextended but they still conquered a large part of the known world.
the reasons are not the point, the Spanish conquered the Americas.
Conquering Europe was a helluva task- Europe was well defended. Who else besides the US and Russia would have been able to stop the Nazi's? Nobody on the African Continent, nobody outside of Russia on the Asian Continent, Nobody in Central or South America. And IF the Germans had beat the Americans to the atomic bomb... I'd call that a simplified version of THE FACTS.
But the Germans didn't beat the US to the bomb. Hell, they didn't even beat the Russians to the bomb. The Germans weren't close. If you believe the Germans were close, you're still buying into Hitler's propaganda, 60 years later. ;)

You dismiss overextension as though it were nothing. I think Napolean could teach you a thing or two about the dangers of overextending your army.
But the Germans didn't beat the US to the bomb. Hell, they didn't even beat the Russians to the bomb. The Germans weren't close. If you believe the Germans were close, you're still buying into Hitler's propaganda, 60 years later. ;)

You dismiss overextension as though it were nothing. I think Napolean could teach you a thing or two about the dangers of overextending your army.

The United States developed the Atomic bomb with an international team of displaced scientists from Europe including German scientists who defected. Read up on the Manhattan project.
You know, I wasn't gonna register, i was just reading, but this thread just made me have to answer.

Im not mexican. Im Asian, Korean to be exact.

But one thing is that the reason this country is so messed up, with all this fcked up shiet, is cus most of the people sent to America from Europe were criminals.

Most of them were people outcasted from europe for being criminals, thats why they were so cruel to native americans, and thats why the emotional logic of this country is so fcked up.

When the criminals came from Europe, they were the illegals. They were the ones who came and messed up the spiritual ways of the native americans.

but the native americans accepted them, because to them, this land was for everyone, even the european criminals.

so now when you look back, who made who illegal? america has been a land of history for thousands of years. the past 200 years is nothing because the history of the land is what shapes and will change people forever.
You know, I wasn't gonna register, i was just reading, but this thread just made me have to answer.

Im not mexican. Im Asian, Korean to be exact.

But one thing is that the reason this country is so messed up, with all this fcked up shiet, is cus most of the people sent to America from Europe were criminals.

Most of them were people outcasted from europe for being criminals, thats why they were so cruel to native americans, and thats why the emotional logic of this country is so fcked up.

When the criminals came from Europe, they were the illegals. They were the ones who came and messed up the spiritual ways of the native americans.

but the native americans accepted them, because to them, this land was for everyone, even the european criminals.

so now when you look back, who made who illegal? america has been a land of history for thousands of years. the past 200 years is nothing because the history of the land is what shapes and will change people forever.
Huh? This pseudo-logic of yours needs a lot of work. At no point were a significant number of colonists criminals. Original motivations for American colonists were religious freedom and money.

Australia was originally a penal colony. Do you consider Australia to be messed up? I sure don't. But based on your logic, it should be.

If anything, the US still holds on to it's puritan ideals. The US is a very uptight country, compared to Europe.
America was founded by criminals? America was colinized by degenerats and out casts? Man, I think I should get off the straight and narrow and go to a life of crime if that's true. Tommas Jefferson was a common theif they sent to the colonies to be punished? There must have been something in the water when he got over here be cause he and the other founding fathers of our Nation sure did get smart.
Sounds like your thinking of Australlia to me. They were sent there as a penial colony. Not the US!
Huh? This pseudo-logic of yours needs a lot of work. At no point were a significant number of colonists criminals. Original motivations for American colonists were religious freedom and money.

Australia was originally a penal colony. Do you consider Australia to be messed up? I sure don't. But based on your logic, it should be.

If anything, the US still holds on to it's puritan ideals. The US is a very uptight country, compared to Europe.

Yes its true. Maybe you should follow truth be told's name, and learn the truth. Can you deny this San Francisco man? LOL

from the encarta encyclopedia.

Many people convicted of petty crimes in England were often sent to the American colonies as indentured servants, laborers who were forced to work for a period of four to seven years before regaining their freedom.

In all of American history, less than 10 percent of immigrants have come for political or religious reasons.
Yes its true. Maybe you should follow truth be told's name, and learn the truth. Can you deny this San Francisco man? LOL
Indentured servants were not (usually) criminals. They were typically poor, unemployed English. The only form of work they could find was indentured service. This is simply a case of the rich taking advantage of the poor. Criminals? I'm sure some were, but you and the previous poster implied that a majority were criminals. That's a false claim.

Are you really going to argue that money was not the biggest motivational factor for colonization?
australia, face the facts. im just here to tell the truth. embrace your criminal genes and history. thats how you conquered the native americans with such evil and two faced-ness and earned the nickname "white devil". well stealing gunpowder frm the chinese and bringing STD's helped too. Maybe europe sent people with STD's on purpose too, now there is a devious plan.

perhaps if more non criminals were sent to the US, then there would be more harmony and spirituality via the native americans in our culture today.

yes i am here to tell the truth.
Back to the 90s sounds like she needs to get back to the books. As far as I know Small pox is not an STD. The "white devil" forced booze down the Native americans throats? Disease was probably one of the main contributors to the indians demise. Don't get me wrong, the newcomers (get your facts straight) who were not all WHITE did do a terrible injustice to the native americans. Every piece of this earth that has been taken over by another people or even the same race of people has done it the same exact way. What did North Korea do to South Korea, or North Vietnam to South?
Get some facts, not just opinions
^ actually if you look at Taiwan or Japan, the natives that were there already were assimiliated into mainstream society, and mainstream society changed their language, culture, traditions, etc... to show that they were a "new people". their new culture reflected the native culture being a part of the new culture.

completely different than whites treatment of native americans today. which is more cold hearted massacre, isolation on reservations, denial of their existence in the media, and rape of native american women.

sorry, your lack of emotional logic depth just proves my theory once again.
australia, face the facts. im just here to tell the truth. embrace your criminal genes and history. thats how you conquered the native americans with such evil and two faced-ness and earned the nickname "white devil". well stealing gunpowder frm the chinese and bringing STD's helped too. Maybe europe sent people with STD's on purpose too, now there is a devious plan.

perhaps if more non criminals were sent to the US, then there would be more harmony and spirituality via the native americans in our culture today.

yes i am here to tell the truth.
You have yet to refute any facts I've given. Your racist rant is pointless. People see through your facade.
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