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ICE attack...wtf...

mommy didn't hug Omexica-goonG enough. wah wah wah. Illegals tie up our police time and flood our courts. They suck up our social services w/o paying into them... shall I go on d!ckhead?

You dumb-fuck if it wasn't for American dollars (Mexico's second leading source of income)... Mexico would be a 4th world country.

que?? selecallo el nino a mama??:eek:
way to skate around the facts you little turd. close your eyes and it doesn't exist! fool.

It doesn't people like yourself like to make shit up. Everything that you get, YOU COPY AND PASTE. You're weak. I want to hear from you, not from a biased piece of paper.

Now send me my pm.
OwetbackG are you really going to tell me that Mexicans are not involved in drugs?

say hi to the tooth fairy and Easter bunny for me.
is my statement a lie? all I hear about is how f#cked up America is... and how hard working Mexicans are... if they are so hard working why is their country a wreck? Why are they all flocking to the USA if it is so sh!tty...

the gloves are off!

America is filled with lazy white people. Plain and simple.
Man, you love to go around in circles. Why they flocking? WTF? TOO WORK.. SOMETHING YOU DON'T KNOW.

I want to see you work in the fields.. you probably won't. I'll probably see you in line with the rest of them lazy fucks getting their food stamps.
how can your name be omexaking if your not 100% mexakin ??you must be like 50/50 and you talking shit 2 your own gente??so what the fuck??
your real OG's are ilegales tambien
OwetbackG are you really going to tell me that Mexicans are not involved in drugs?

say hi to the tooth fairy and Easter bunny for me.

LMFAO! WETBACK? I suggest you get back on your boat and head back to Europe.

Motherfucker... I didn't say that Mexicans weren't. You're people are the reason that shit is getting here. Love it though.. keep buying that shit so you fuckers can keep dying little by little.
how can your name be omexaking if your not 100% mexakin ??you must be like 50/50 and you talking shit 2 your own gente??so what the fuck??
your real OG's are ilegales tambien

Talking shit to my own jente? WHERE? Penjedo, FALSE is not mexican. Look at his bullshit post. callate la boca. You're one stupid mothafucker. Take that name off. I bet you're a member of a Sureno gang. Lost little puppy.
LMFAO! WETBACK? I suggest you get back on your boat and head back to Europe.

Motherfucker... I didn't say that Mexicans weren't. You're people are the reason that shit is getting here. Love it though.. keep buying that shit so you fuckers can keep dying little by little.
mexicans dont come in boats
Talking shit to my own jente? WHERE? Penjedo, FALSE is not mexican. Look at his bullshit post. callate la boca. You're one stupid mothafucker. Take that name off. I bet you're a member of a Sureno gang. Lost little puppy.
piche puto pendejo tu suves que tu jefa was a wet back her self
LMFAO! WETBACK? I suggest you get back on your boat and head back to Europe.

Motherfucker... I didn't say that Mexicans weren't. You're people are the reason that shit is getting here. Love it though.. keep buying that shit so you fuckers can keep dying little by little.

should I post an article about how many tons of drugs enter the USA through central and south America? Man you are stupid- educate yourself.
LMFAO! WETBACK? I suggest you get back on your boat and head back to Europe.

Motherfucker... I didn't say that Mexicans weren't. You're people are the reason that shit is getting here. Love it though.. keep buying that shit so you fuckers can keep dying little by little.

you speak truth my nigga^
THAT'S ALL THEY HAVE! They have nothing. It's easy to point fingers. These fuckers lost.

its funny how theyre guarding the south of the border buildin fences..when the real terrorists are coming from the canadian border...lol. it is a race issue...they just dont like mexicans coming here.
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