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"Why I Hate Blacks"

Dear fools...you think that your using the word niggers is great? well, if i'm not mistaken, all of you little brown breeds are just that. Niggers. Am i lying? you are considered the Niggers of mexico. It's only when you climb out of the cesspool of Tijuana that you become truly like your masters.
Okay, let's see. all of you little brown pukes want to be white, hence the names you give your kids...Blanca...Blanco...(what's up with that?). ALL of your politicians are white, you brown motherfuckers can't even buy beans without the white Mexicans saying it's okay.
The only movie stars on TV is white; you brown motherfuckers are either used as maids or as clowns who kiss the white mexicans asses.
the first thing all of you little brown turds do when you get to this country is try to get a white man/woman so that you can get rid of all of that Mexican blood. Brown PRIDE??? Where? You motherfuckers try to run as fast as you can from being Mexican. Answer me this. what do you put on the census survey? I'll tell you what...you put WHITE/HISPANIC!! And then the first time things don't go your way, you want to cry...RACISM!!! Oh! What?...lI thought you were SPANISH!!! there must have meen ten million Spanairds to make all of the Indians in Mexico Spanish.
You think the white man thinks you're one of him? dream on. they will use you like a tool box, and work your triffling asses to death and put babies in sluts like that , Daisy is sweet, slut ( i bet that bitch looks like the left side of a rotweillers nutsack)...butt ugly).
Let me give you some advice, if you hate Blacks so much, well then, get your OWN culture...(like that mariachi shit)...quit trying to talk black, dress black, quit listening to black music, (no music for you...it all comes outta black folk...try Tejano...nothing like a good POLKA...OOmpapa, OOmpapa...).
So in closing, let me say, that you don't really hate black folks...you hate your own motherfucking selves, but you can't ever hate yourselves near as much as those motherfuckers who run Mexico hates you.
Mayatez?? My ass... Listen, the world, THE WHOLE FUCKING WORLD slurps black culture with a fucking ten foot straw, but who in the fuck ever heard of anything EVER coming outta Mexico, except your nasty asses.
You hate black folks?
Yeah...I guess you do, motherfuckers. I'd hate 'em too if I didn't have a motherfucking thing doing for me except Tejano music, and picking grapes. So, it's easy to write your little notes and hide behind the curtain of anonymity. The fucking Aztecs and those other motherfuckers are hundreds of years dead, you talant-less fucks. what have you done for me LATELY???

Yeah.........I thought so.

Back the fuck up off me...and i mean ALL-LLLLLL you bitches. Especially you motherfucker...yeah you...you think I don't see you mean mugging me? And NO motherfucker...I ain't your daddy, so step on off.fucku

i have to agree with some of his points even though i think he could of put it different.
if the blacks were browns then what are the browns??

if blacks are browns then what are browns? duh black!!! i'll tell u the same thing i tell my baby vero, i grew up being called black by race bnut brown by skintone, in europe its basically politically incorrect to call a 'blackperson' 'blackskinned' you have to call them brown cuz thats what they are. read between the lines and free your mind. - tech
Let me say that i dont really care where people are from or what color they are, as long as i get along with them. Fuck that black power, white power, brown power or any other power that is not human power.
People are just born what they are, who are these racists to tell you that you re not good enought?
This is the reason why wars start, because people think that they are better then others.
In history we have many examples of this such as Hitler, Napolean and many other fools who tried to conquer the world and impose their idiotic conceptualizations to other nations.
I used to have that hate around me, but realized that i was being brain washed, but not anymore.
I advise all of you to really educate yourself and if you can afford it, get to travel outside of the "varrio" to other parts of the world.
All this racist mierda is for weak minded people.
Oh i almost forgot, DoeMemba i have been reading your comments in here for a while and always thought that they were pretty much wise, until you posted this "besides i think that most race mixin are exotic...but not all...like chinese and black..ew..LOL.."
Now thats just pathetic.
Oh i almost forgot, DoeMemba i have been reading your comments in here for a while and always thought that they were pretty much wise, until you posted this "besides i think that most race mixin are exotic...but not all...like chinese and black..ew..LOL.."
Now thats just pathetic.

Ey , everybody tells a bad joke sometimes,.......... supprised you'd take it that seriously.
Most of these racists are just stupid, if they would take time to think about what they r saying then they would know that they r just ignorant.
All of this brown is the best race shit is comical, when we die we all go to the same fucking place, when are this ignorant bastards going to realize that no race is better then another and thats the beauty of this world.
All of that brown pride shit is just an illusion, and come to think about it black people are the real browns.
Sometimes i feel ashamed of my race, but thank God not all of us are like that.
i agree wit ya except i dont feel ashamed of my race.but your right racist are just ignorant people
i can see the fine stock of smarts on here lol

Maybe you should start screening members.....smh.

But um.....................

-- "Blacks hate us. Every Asian who has ever come across them knows that they take almost every opportunity to hurl racist remarks at us."

^^^^^^^^^ Not that them as a whole are more special than everyone else but there is good and bad in ALL people and I dislike anyone who hates me for no reason or a dumb one which is a good as not having one at all.

-- "Contrary to media depictions, I would argue that blacks are weak-willed. They are the only race that has been enslaved for 300 years."


What? lol ....I'm not a world history expert but that doesn't totally right and that doesn't make us weak-willed......stupid ignorant BS.

-- "Blacks are easy to coerce. This is proven by the fact that so many of them, including the Rev. Al Sharpton, tend to be Christians."


Most Americans tend to be christians so wth is this idiot saying?! And anyways I'm atheist but if I was still christian that doesn't make me gullible because I'm black.

I'd love nothing more than 2 minutes to beat the living snot out of this dude but then again he might say we're all violent and savage after I kick his ignorant ass.
naw not all blacks is lik that. i feel 4 them because they went thro a bad time n history... but if they say n-e thing about my raza then fuk em!
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