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  1. T


    come on I need one
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    Its hard

    Its hard to find out that someone you realy like,likes someone else....
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    Who Is The Best

    every one read up......I was thinking we should have a ttrack battle....lets see who can do a better track.....And I mean with audio..eh so no agan sus pendejadas....we need to get at least 5 people to participate.
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    I Got A Riddle For Ya

    Entra duro a lo blando Y quedan las bolas colgando??[hurtu]
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    Border Jumpers

    did anybody jump this wall?
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    help me with feminist

    So check this out?there?s this girl(Sara)she goes to my school, she?s 18?I?m 16 I like her a lot??.she?s feminist??..I think it?s a problem that she?s feminist? Anyhow I need help I don?t know what 2 say 2 her ??.can yall help?..any feminist around here
  7. T

    Un Beso

    Una ilucion e tenido Nunca se me a consedido Bellos sue?o e tenido Esperansas ha perdido Solo en las mayusculas de este verso Os diran lo que te pido.
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    any refranes

    Do yall know any old sayings.......en espanol
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    bad in school

    I'm doing realy bad in school yall...Im failing all my classes except spanish....Art,history,math,English,todas lasl clases.....I dont want 2 drop out u kno......As bad as Ive been doing I might even get kicked out.
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    Diegos wifey

    Empty your inbox.......and sentbox pendeja....I thought u were grounded
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    Yo aceite y tu eres arroz que rica sopa asemos los dos.
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    que raro

    que raro las guercas que se portan bien.......todas andan de locas....andan con uno luego com otro...no.....:confused:
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    poem in progress

    Never understood how love could hurt,real love. if u got something I can add help!
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    Not very good but I tryed

    you wanted love, I gave you love. you wanted hapiness, I made you happy. u wanted some one funny, I made you laugh. u wanted some one rich, I was poor. you left me, I stayed........ in your heart... :(
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    Whats you horoscope?

    whats your horoscope.....Im a scorpio.[wavey]
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    any 1 from va or tn

    anybody from virginia:confused:
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    como es

    * Como es* The dirt ,like me....is brown So many of our people have died on this ground. EN la madrugada u can see the ghosts Of our Indio homies happy but most.... Loco and angry to scare the gueros I can hear them"kill those perros" Simon,racists have been around for some time. PRIDE...they...
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    clown towne

    (* CLOWN TOWNE *) =============== The towne I live in isn?t much different than yours. A towne where gun shots ring-out as The police siren roars. But believe me, it wasn?t always like this. There use to be good jobs & church going...
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    we mexicans

    we mexicans are so cheap we cant afford pregnancy testswe can only afford pregnancy quizez.get it!
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    anybody here be bangin spm,south park mexican. if u do whats your favorite rola by him

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