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  1. D

    It's 3lmo

    not much broo..watchin' the worldcup....i'm married to your tia jo now btw
  2. D

    hey truth, right wing, and da rest of dem vatoz talkin....

    Who gives a shit piss troof off These muhfuckers R a joke
  3. D

    It's 3lmo

    What's the business homey
  4. D

    i'm under arrest for what???

    Oklahoma- It’s forbidden to take a bite out of another person’s hamburger. Oregon- State law requires dishes to be drip-dried. Pennsylvania- It’s illegal to sleep on top of a refrigerator outdoors. Rhode Island- You may not bite off another person’s leg. South Carolina- If a man promises to...
  5. D

    U.S. agent kills Mexican teen near border, Mexican official says

    WOOW Stupid ass Neocon justifying the violence caused by the armed troopers at the border
  6. D

    U.S. agent kills Mexican teen near border, Mexican official says

    your topic didn't fit the article..
  7. D

    U.S. agent kills Mexican teen near border, Mexican official says

    these grown muthafuckers are threaten by a 14 year old boy? really?
  8. D

    Why does this forum have mods?

    Rightwing... you;'ve already been dumped on like RUBBISH.
  9. D

    U.S. agent kills Mexican teen near border, Mexican official says

    we can't follow the path of hitler in the united states how many mexicans do these muhfuckers come across to a day?
  10. D

    U.S. agent kills Mexican teen near border, Mexican official says

    you did the same dumbass. WOOW Stupid ass Neocon justifying the violence caused by the armed troopers at the border PRICELESS.
  11. D

    Why does this forum have mods?

    WOW calling somebody a pussy on a message board.....you're cool...you're tough..i wouldn't fuck with you.
  12. D

    Cowardly NeoCon Harassing Our Brown Raza Gets a Taste of His Own Medicine

    LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...the coward ass neo con was prolly hoping for glenn beck to arrive and back him up for his racist propaganda he has been spewing from watching his shows i would have asked the racist neocon to justify his cause/picketsign. "illegals are desease" mexico...
  13. D

    Border killings

    Neocon criminals armed to the teeth are the blame for all this violence
  14. D

    Too Hot to work in a Bank! WTF!!??

    as the saying goes; "can't turn a hoe into a housewife" in this case... you can't teach a hooker how to dress proffesional.
  15. D

    'Gun control' tide is turning in Chicago black community

    Lmaaoo...the guy had it right after he started giving whites more rights over gun ownership. WTFFFFFF most of the guns being fired by the black commmunity is mostly by teenage kids who couldnt hold a pistol right or have any responsibility...everybody knows that white men purchase all their...
  16. D

    Going to add new mods

    Dont trip foo, that was prolly chicana when he was a mod 4 -5 yrs ago
  17. D

    For Arizona Raza...

    sesame street politics at your level. i've should of known.:rolleyes:
  18. D

    Here's a FREE Mayan 12/21/2012 Countdown Timer

    they misinterpreted the mayans. 2012 is just simply a new beginning, that's when the sun, earth and the moon all align together the end of the world conspiracy is nothing but a catholic/christian philosophy. when the bible says no man on earth can predict the end of days..i dont remember the...

Mexican Forums

