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here it is, written by me!

Latin-Assassin said:
Are We Living In Hell? What Is Heaven Is The Real Question? I Mean Is Earth A Living Hell For All Of Us? Because We Feel Fear, Pain And Sorrow...think About It..what Does Death In the afterlife Feel Like ?

i agree but damn it makes me wonder wat did we all do in the past to deserve this
Death in the afterlife if u go to heaven is paradise but if u go to hell u will suffer being burned,go through tortures ,being ripped apart limb by limb time after time for eternity
it's not necessarily what WE did but what our ancestors did (starting out w/ adam and eve eating 4rm the forbidden fruit)and we r paying 4 their mistakes it says so in the bible
El Flaco said:
Death in the afterlife if u go to heaven is paradise but if u go to hell u will suffer being burned,go through tortures ,being ripped apart limb by limb time after time for eternity

sounds kinda like livin 2 me, wats funny is that in the bible it doesnt say anything acout hell like that, trust me read it all,and take notes about hell, it doesnt say much about torture, i think its just wat the media has done so now ppl think hell is all firey and stuff, when there is no actual description, it just says hell is a place where there are people with no souls and who are lost to god
El Flaco said:
oh nvr mind kiddo i think im just confused about the whole Holy Trinity thing lol

no i no wat u mean bro ive been there, but remeber when u pray u are suppose 2 ask the holy spirit to guide ur words to god cus he dont understand us cus hes so outta are level. its sutin 2 do wid dat, the holy spirit guides u 2 god
living feels like hell on every level cept for when we make love to our women...then it feels like heaven.......lol.........only for like 10 minutes atlease.....on earth, it seems like...the good is always weak..and the bad is always stronger..
Latin-Assassin said:
living feels like hell on every level cept for when we make love to our women...then it feels like heaven.......lol.........only for like 10 minutes atlease.....on earth, it seems like...the good is always weak..and the bad is always stronger..

sounds like hell 2 me bro:(
ShiftyKid said:
sounds like hell 2 me bro:(

i need to find me sum heaven! (pussy!!) LOLOL..

but it's the truth....good people are usually weaker than bad individuals....this is why our women and children have to suffer because of the ways of men.
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