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Your Beliefs


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I got told to come here by a White Nationalist (who wants to see all non-whites deported from the UK) after a very long debate with her. She said I would be hypocritical if I didn't show that I opposed other kinds of racial nationalism. I basically oppose racism of any kind.

So, what are the views of the members of this forum? The WN I was debating is convinced that this is a hate site, whereas StormFront isn't. I haven't really seen any serious hatred on here for white people though.

She pointed me to black nationalist site too, where I made a post similar to this one, but I was instantly banned, which was a bit lame. I hope the same won't happen here.

Anyway, look forward to your replies.

Hehe, glad I'm welcome.

Yeah I read about the StormFronters. You know I think they reference this site quite a lot to show that "white people aren't the only people who are racist", or just to poke fun. I need to post 15 times to post a link so I can't give an example. ;)

Anyway, so what would you say this site is all about?

I don't agree that someone should be proud of "their race", but I believe you can be proud of what you are as an individual. I believe race isn't important, it's the individual people who are important. So I can agree with "Brown Pride" if it means "Proud to be who I am" but not if it means "Proud because I am <insert race here>".

Basically the White Nationalist I was debating with thinks you're all anti-individual like she is. I hope to prove her wrong, but obviously I don't really know what all your views are yet.
its nothing bad when we say brown pride or when blacks say black pride.....i simply mean i have pride in my culture and i respect it......it doesnt mean im a mexican nazi lol
Hehe well that's all I needed to know really.

Since you live in the UK (so do I), would you say you're culturally quite British as well as Latino (assuming that's the word you use)?

I see culture as being open to everyone you see. StormFronters see non-whites practicing "white culture" (not sure what things they mean by that exactly) as being "imitators" or "stealing culture". But I don't see it like that, because that's not how culture works.

Culture can originate somewhere sure, but for example my favourite music includes stuff by Psycho Realm and Cypress Hill. That doesn't mean I'm trying to imitate, it's just what I like - it's part of my "individual culture" you could say. I don't think culture is restricted by race or nationality, even though it may naturally correlate with it.
uk-kid said:
well as u no england doesnt recognise latino on the census so we tick black other, um as an individual i mix it up a lil
Ah, kay.

Well yeah thanks for the responses m8.

I'd appreciate some comments from other members on here too if possible.
DarkReaver13 said:

I got told to come here by a White Nationalist (who wants to see all non-whites deported from the UK) after a very long debate with her. She said I would be hypocritical if I didn't show that I opposed other kinds of racial nationalism. I basically oppose racism of any kind.

So, what are the views of the members of this forum? The WN I was debating is convinced that this is a hate site, whereas StormFront isn't. I haven't really seen any serious hatred on here for white people though.

She pointed me to black nationalist site too, where I made a post similar to this one, but I was instantly banned, which was a bit lame. I hope the same won't happen here.

Anyway, look forward to your replies.


I'm glad you're aware of the fact, we're not racists...

what nationality are u from? are u brown white or black? i really don't care...personally i would rather you be something other than brown cause i'd like to hear opinions from people outside of our race so that doesn't make the site look bias and racist, thats what stormfronters want you think but we're not but if you come into our site and start offending us, it's only right For us to retaliate, i believe that No matter who you are, no matter what?s the situation, no matter where you are, if tomorrow an army pulls up to your street...its natural instinct to get out and defend yourself and your people

hi nice to meet you.
Latin-Assassin said:
hi nice to meet you.
Hi, likewise.

Latin-Assassin said:
I'm glad you're aware of the fact, we're not racists...

what nationality are u from? are u brown white or black? i really don't care...personally i would rather you be something other than brown cause i'd like to hear opinions from people outside of our race so that doesn't make the site look bias and racist, thats what stormfronters want you think but we're not but if you come into our site and start offending us, it's only right For us to retaliate, i believe that No matter who you are, no matter what?s the situation, no matter where you are, if tomorrow an army pulls up to your street...its natural instinct to get out and defend yourself and your people
I'm British of Russian descent - so that makes me "white" I guess.

It's perfectly reasonable that you reacted against the SFers who came here, as they obviously did so with the sole intention of screwing with you.

So would you say that you support individualism, judging people on their own individual actions rather than as groups? Would you say you supported a political system that defends individual rights? The White Nationalist I was arguing with does not believe members here support these things, but instead support total racial separation like those on StormFront. I guess she's wrong then?
imma tell you like this....we support anything but racism..ideas, thoughts, opinions as long as it's not offensive to us. that's just some shit stormfronter say to decieve us cause no offense but from what i've seen, the ones that have gotten the nerve to come on here have proven that. i do support individualism i believe everyone stands on their own despite of race, if some of people act racist against inviduals that assaulted them and we become racists ourselves spiteful and radical because we simply point out what every one else, even white people see as truth. it's reverse racism cause latinos and blacks swallow so much of it. i can only represent myself and stand by me. so i don't care what anyone else think or our people.
Right, this White Nationalist still doesn't believe me (i.e. you).

Apparently I'm being too indirect. Well, I don't know how I can rephrase what I've already asked you. You say you're not racists and that you judge people individually, so I guess she just thinks you're lying, or that I'm not "pushing your buttons" (even though that's not what I'm here to do, the WN would just like you all to start shouting and screaming for me to f*ck off and die or something).

Um, well. I'm white. I tread people as individuals. I do not believe that races are meaningfully distinct. I believe people of different races can live side by side in peace and that it is (wrong) IDEAS that cause conflict. Do you disagree with any of that?

Ah, something I'd be interested in hearing your opinions on is ancestral ownership. Do you think white people should be allowed to live in say, Mexico, or even Spain? I believe they should be - for example if a white person buys a house from someone who already lives there, then that becomes their property. In the same way if a Mexican person wanted to move to the UK then they could do the same. Do you agree with that or do you think countries are owned by whichever "race" was there first, regardless of what the individuals choose to do.

Sorry if I'm repeating myself, I'm trying to prove a point.
uk-kid said:
its nothing bad when we say brown pride or when blacks say black pride.....i simply mean i have pride in my culture and i respect it......it doesnt mean im a mexican nazi lol

What is your "culture"? Explain to me what "brown" or "black" culture is. What do you have to be proud about anyway? Why do you feel the need to take pride in other people's achievements, something you had nothing to do with?

And do you support more white immigration to Mexico? It has been proven that immigration is good for the economy, so I think you should encourage more immigration from Europe, Asia and Africa to Mexico. What do you think?
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