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They are all hard working people!

let me define legal immigration.

in the 19th and 20th century, legal immigration meant unlimited immigration from western europe.

illegal immigration meant no immigration from any other country.

looks like not much has changed.

personally i think they should have open immigration in any county or state that has a single KKK terrorist group.
right, we don't need to bring in MORE "problem" people- we already have enough. we don't need illegals taking up jail space- we need that for American criminals. You will never hear me defend a rapist or molester even if he is White- trash is trash in my book.
Paris Hilton... I can't explain that one! lol

LEGAL immigration- YES!
ILLEGAL immigration- NO!

Fukin racist!!!!!!!!! Bitch i really do wish 2 c sayin that crap in front of a mexican. u'll get fucked up puto!!!!:mad:
How is that racist?

Not all Mexicans feel the same way you do. I'm Mexican and I'm openly opposed to illegal immigration and amnesty for the ones already here. Don't speak for me, OK?
Fukin racist!!!!!!!!! Bitch i really do wish 2 c sayin that crap in front of a mexican. u'll get fucked up puto!!!!:mad:

How am I being racist? Again I am not against legal immigration and well monitored guest worker programs, but I am against ILLEGAL immigration no matter where they come from. No need for name calling- it's Friday!

I make no apologies for wanting to protect America.
How is that racist?

Not all Mexicans feel the same way you do. I'm Mexican and I'm openly opposed to illegal immigration and amnesty for the ones already here. Don't speak for me, OK?

Thanks, I don't see how I'm being racist either. People throw the word racist around to much.
what do you think about the brown berets?
I don't claim to be an expert on them- in fact I know very little, I only heard about them on this board... I probably wouldn't agree on most issues with them, but they are American citizens right? They have every right to "do their thing".

opps, you didn't ask me... :)
I don't claim to be an expert on them- in fact I know very little, I only heard about them on this board... I probably wouldn't agree on most issues with them, but they are American citizens right? They have every right to "do their thing".

opps, you didn't ask me... :)

since your always go on about illegal immigration then you won't find yourself in agreement with brown berets...not discriminatin you or anything ...
their an organization such as MECHA, IMMIGRANT(ILLEGAL OR LEGAL)HUMAN RIGHTS is a good start.
I'm all for immigrant rights, just not for those here illegally.

how so? you say your mexican..let me guess you were born here? so that must make you NOT illegal. LOL.
there mexican-americans that had families here for generations..and just because they have a spanish surname or barely know a few words in spanish..doesn't make them illegal or legal..YES HAS DEFINATELY.
I don't understand your post.

Yes, I was born here. So were my parents.

i guess you were probably brutalized by mexican immigrants and now youre mad at the border..LOL.maybe you should go to mexico with them!

i support all immigrants.illegally or legally..once our people is here..it doesnt matter how they got here....it just about whose turn it is right now..
after 911, everyone hated the terrorist/muslims. In the 1920's everyone hated the irish and the italians.
wher do you think "WOP" came from? A derogatory term against Italians, but it meant simply without passport.
Even when they make moronic demands?

The real idiots are the ones that claim the illegal immigration does not benefit our way of life. The conservative republicans are trying to have it both ways, scare everyone into thinking that all these immigrants pose a security risk, but not really address the issue with real solutions. The only way that illegal immigration is going to stop is the put the employers in jail for hiring illegals. Fines for employers are simply passed along to the consumer. Employers will continue to hire illegals as long as they make money, which will continue for as long as the consumer wants to pay cheap prices. I could take sound bites from various speeches by right wingers and make it sound like white America is ready to start a race war, is that the reality? Go ahead, spend more of my tax dollars to make a wall that isn?t going to stop anybody and change the laws so that we have to build more prisons to house these new ?felons?. Maybe if we all get really excited we can start a war based on a lie, or start spying on people(and maybe the occasional citizen). Oh, that?s right, we already have
The real idiots are the ones that claim the illegal immigration does not benefit our way of life. The conservative republicans are trying to have it both ways, scare everyone into thinking that all these immigrants pose a security risk, but not really address the issue with real solutions. The only way that illegal immigration is going to stop is the put the employers in jail for hiring illegals. Fines for employers are simply passed along to the consumer. Employers will continue to hire illegals as long as they make money, which will continue for as long as the consumer wants to pay cheap prices. I could take sound bites from various speeches by right wingers and make it sound like white America is ready to start a race war, is that the reality? Go ahead, spend more of my tax dollars to make a wall that isn?t going to stop anybody and change the laws so that we have to build more prisons to house these new ?felons?. Maybe if we all get really excited we can start a war based on a lie, or start spying on people(and maybe the occasional citizen). Oh, that?s right, we already have
DoeMemba, you're sounding more and more racist, every day. What is "white America"?

Illegal immigration does not benefit our way of life. Hospitals are going out of business. How in the hell does that benefit our way of life, DoeMemba? Nurses are being laid off. How is that good? Please, tell me how any of that is a good thing. These things ARE happening. It's happening right here where I live.

It has negatively affected my life My father was nearly murdered by an illegal. I have had two vehicles totaled by illegals. I don't really care about the cars, all the much. It's just money, several thousand dollars. But my father nearly being murdered...I take that personally. Still, I don't hate or blame illegals or Mexicans.
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