Legendary Poster
i support all immigrants.illegally or legally..once our people is doesnt matter how they got here....
that's like saying it doesn't matter how a thief got money, once he got it.
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SignUp Now!i support all immigrants.illegally or legally..once our people is doesnt matter how they got here....
DoeMemba, you're sounding more and more racist, every day. What is "white America"?
Illegal immigration does not benefit our way of life. Hospitals are going out of business. How in the hell does that benefit our way of life, DoeMemba? Nurses are being laid off. How is that good? Please, tell me how any of that is a good thing. These things ARE happening. It's happening right here where I live.
It has negatively affected my life My father was nearly murdered by an illegal. I have had two vehicles totaled by illegals. I don't really care about the cars, all the much. It's just money, several thousand dollars. But my father nearly being murdered...I take that personally. Still, I don't hate or blame illegals or Mexicans
Man, Is that All you do truthblood?
look for ways to brings illegal immigrants down?
man then put up sum info on U.S citizens that are rapist and criminals, its not just the small number of illegal immigrant criminals that are the cause of all the crimes in the U.S.A.
Many of them are hard working, ther are just a few bad apples in the bunch......Well no matter what we say here it is still not going to change, illegal immigrnts they are still coming over here!!
that's like saying it doesn't matter how a thief got money, once he got it.
umm... illegals don't really do much to the crime rate. its pretty exaggerated and thats been documented.
Hey I duno if the anti illegals here know much about economics, but illegal workers are here because someone hired them because people don't want to pay 10 dollars for a big mac. with illegals, you pay 4 dollars for your big mac, and now you can buy something else with 6 dollars like buy two jars of mayonaise or whatever u guys buy or pay down your spirallying ARM mortgage rate that just might spike up next month.
also, if you look at areas in California with a large amount of illegals, health care costs are lower than average. Thats overexaggerated too about how they are using up the health care system.
u know what, altho i did have beef with some mexicans in high school, but that was more about who ran the school, not some racial shiet. but mexicans are pretty nice folks. they are pretty chill, and i always return their niceness to me and i hope they feel the same.
illegals also pay federal and state and county and city taxes, and will never get that back in social security. they pay billions in social security taxes and will never get that back.
the only downside to me is that when i am driving, if i get into an accident with an illegal, then i am screwed with insurance. but man... i know a dood who accidentally ran into the back of a car and killed two illegals on the highway on accident, so overall, i guess what happens on the freeways, i'll take my chances. but anyone can drive illegally too. shiet, i used to take my parents car out all the time at night when i was 14 lol hospitals charged uninsured patients more than three times what private insurers or government programs would pay for the same services in 2004, a higher differential than all but two states in the country, according to a study to be published today. The two-year study, appearing in the journal Health Affairs, examined hospital charges between 1984 and 2004. It found the gap between the rates hospitals charge to uninsured patients and other payers widened greatly over time. Also widening was the ratio between what hospitals charge and what the federal government has determined to be the actual cost of care. New Jersey and Pennsylvania had the highest markups.
San Jose, San Francisco and Oakland tied for fifth place among the 50 largest cities in the country for lowest-cost insurance, with an average premium of $58 a month, according to a study by eHealthInsurance Services Inc., a Mountain View Internet health insurance broker.
Guess what? The uninsured don't pay. So it doesn't matter what they're charged. In fact, the reason they're charged so much is BECAUSE so many of them don't pay.^ come on now. look at the hard data. i have many studies on health care costs and most of the stuff u hear is pure political rhetoric.
Look at the health care costs for the uninsured. This is from your own San Francisco Chronicle.
more articles on low health care costs in the bay area. These are areas with a large immigrant population.
And as for illegal labor cutting down on inflation, thats pretty much common sense. Please, no more rhetoric, hard cold facts, numbers, and links to make your point.
^ what kind of website is that? it looks like a Timothy McVeigh website.
Why don't you provide links from real American newspapers? And not anti American Timothy McVeigh websites?
^ You provide links to fringe websites.
I bet if you get those fringe website owners, they support Timothy McVeigh. Think about it, would the people who made those fringe websites you visit support Timothy McVeigh?
Be intellectually honest with yourself. Because if those fringe website owners support Timothy McVeigh, thats why day by day, you start to sympathize more with what he did.
Fringe websites like his aren't responsible for being factually accurate. While yes, YOUR OWN SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE is more responsible for being factually accurate. You don't like the San Francisco Chronicle? Are you anti San Francisco?
^ So you live out of harmony with your own city? That must be tough...timothy mcviegh wing, facts are facts.