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White peole don't want to be racist because there will be consequences. Look what happened to Imus. He lost his job for one two second coment.
Latinos and blacks are racist constantly because they know they can get away with it. Chris Rock and George Lopez wouldn't have any material if they were held to the same standards of conduct as someone like Imus.
CHRIS ROCK N GEORGE LOPEZ ARE COMEDIANS! plus theyre jokes is usually MAKIN FUN of politics and racists....i don't see how that's racist?..racism is somethin comedians recite because it IS yeah maybe Imus is in the wrong industry and should be a comedian![]()
you wanna be in touch with reality? move to iraq.
Really? Michael Richards is a COMEDIAN. What happened there? That was turned into a huge scandal that made national headlines. Rock and Lopez are doing the same thing every time they go on stage but that's just A-OK for them.
I've already been there. What's your point?
OOPS...sorry another question....I know that you feel threatened by questions. Why is that? Maybe because it might actually require some rational, intelligent thought to answer it???????
seriously..i dunno how u think lopez n rock is racist jokes..i can't even take u serious
I've already been there. What's your point?
well you've been to iraq then you prolly know how its like over there...and how tough american soldiers got it over there while we bitch n moan about the government over just saying....the media seems to somewhat mask reality into what's really going with the world....once you move to iraq..believe me you'll see what's goin on
prolly know how its like over there?
once you move to iraq..believe me you'll see what's goin on
I'm sorry but reading your responses is like watching a dog chase it's tail.
I just got back from a clean up in Isle five. Right Wing spilled a bottle of Pace picante sauce. I like the comment about how Malcolm X got what he deserved. What a racist pig that right wing is.It's also nice how he calls me Paco. Hey, right wing, has your daughter brought home a wetback yet? It's only a matter of time.
Micheal Richards could have gotten away with his rant if it was funny. He was just yelling"Nigger". When has Chris Rock or George Lopez ever done that? Never. You just don't go into a crowded room and yell "nigger" and expect not to get called a racist. What a pendejo. He should have gotten his ass kicked. Fuck Kramer.
Everyone would want a piece of his ass to its true...your pointWhere did I comment on Malcolm X? Where did I call you Paco? Please show me. Nice job making things up though. I can clearly see that your entire agenda is based on fiction. BTW: I don't have any daughters so you can drop that tired act.
Almost 100% of George's dialogue is based on making fun of whites. You obviously don't see that as racist. I did actually try to watch his show but I turned it off and never watched again after the episode when his daughter was dating a white guy. He said: "I've never owned a white boy before." Just what do you think would happen if Jerry Seinfeld came on and said "I've never owned a Mexican before"???????????
If Jerry Seinfeld said,"I've never owned a Mexican before", he would probably be lying. We all know that a Mexican is bought and sold everyday, just go to Home Depot and you'll see the auctioning blocks. We work long hours with no insurance and little pay. The things the gringo says are essential to survival in these United States. Debating comedians is really the whole purpose of saying controversial things. George Lopez happens to be telling the truth and the gringo is not used to hearing a Chicanos point of view. You never listen to what we have to say. It is all dismissed as bitching and moaning. If we state the obvious, we are accused of "playing the race card". If we claim our right to be here, you call us "illegal". Get used to more Chicanos like me and George Lopez expressing their views. Too bad his show got canceled. I'm surprised it lasted as long as it did though.
Right Wing,If I miss quoted you, sorry. Maybe I didn't read the names on the post correctly. My mistake.